• Entrepreneurship Skills Acquisition And Product Innovation In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.2 Statement of the problem
      One of the major goals of economic development strategies pursued by successive Nigeria Government has been the reduction of unemployment through job creation.
      Burnett (2000) asserts that entrepreneurship is a necessary ingredient for stimulating growth and successful economic development. Entrepreneurs orchestrate these transformations and create new channels for economic activity and employment. Thus, all countries that wish to pursue continued development must encourage entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are creators of employment for the Nigerian growing population which has significant effect on poverty alleviation. Poverty and unemployment are interrelated. Alleviation of unemployment most likely has positive influence on poverty alleviation. Entrepreneurship has therefore gained increased prominence and importance as a key factor in job creation, economic growth and development. Acquiring entrepreneurial skills has sky-rocket the number of entrepreneurs in the society. Why this is economically applaud-able on the long run, the One question that has not been given due and appropriate attention is, how has the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills enhanced product innovation in Nigeria. The evaluation of this situation would give a crystal-clear picture on the weakness of entrepreneurial skills acquisition and therefore inspire efforts to fill the gap. It is on this premise that this study is undertaken to examine entrepreneurship skills acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria.
      1.3 Objectives of the study
      The primary goal of this study is to examine entrepreneurship skills acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to:
          Determine the relationship between entrepreneurial skill acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria.
          Examine how the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills have enhance innovation in Nigeria.
          Examine the challenges impeding the entrepreneurial innovation in Nigeria.
      1.4 Research Questions
          Is there a significant relationship between entrepreneurial skills acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria?
          In what ways has the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills enhance innovation?
          What are the possible challenges impeding entrepreneurial innovation in Nigeria?
      1.5 Research Hypotheses
      The following Null hypotheses was developed and tested in the study
      H01: Entrepreneurial skills acquisition does not enhance product innovation.
      H02: There is no positive significant relationship between acquisition of entrepreneurial skills and product innovation.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The concept of entrepreneurship played a formative role in the emergence of business history as a distinct academic field. Entrepreneurship is a process of wealth creation for an individual, community and the large society. The primary goal of this study is to examine entrepreneurship skills acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial skill acquisition and product innovation in Nigeria.This study employed the ... Continue reading---