• Knowledge And Awareness Of The Effects Of Air Pollution On The Health Of Motorcycle Riders

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • This study examined the knowledge and awareness of effect of air pollution on the health of motorcycle riders in coker/aguda local council development area. The sample consisted of 110 motorcycle riders in Coker/Aguda Local Council Development Area of Lagos State. Variables studied are knowledge and awareness of the effect of air pollution on health. Knowledge and awareness of effect of air pollution on their health were assessed through a 20 item self developed questionnaire. Data was analyzed using simple percentage. Results from the findings show that the motorcycle riders in Coker/Aguda Local Council Development Area are knowledgeable and aware of the effect of air pollution on their health. The study recommended that seminar should be organized periodically to educate motorcycle riders inensuring a conducive and enabling environment for good living, law enforcement agency should encourage motorcycle riders to go for ministry of transportation test to avoid air pollution. State government should recommend nose bluff to the motorcycle riders in prevention of respiratory disorders, more research should be carried out in the area of effect of air pollution on health, the use of eye goggle should also be recommended in the prevention of itching and discomfort of the eye.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONa.Background to the StudyThe land can be cleaned up before we use it, and purify water before we drink it, but, except in air-conditioned rooms, we must breathe air as it comes to us. Automobiles, factories, heating furnaces, power plants, trash incinerators, each add to the problem, so control is difficult. (Microsoft Encarta 2009). Air pollution is a major environmental problem throughout the world. Most air pollution problems thus result from man’s ... Continue reading---