The Antiplasmodial Activity Of Extracts Of Edible Mushroom: Agaricus Bisporus On Plasmodium Berghei In Albino Mice
CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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3.1 Sample Collection
Sufficient mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) was gotten from Igunsin village, Akure north in Ondo State, Nigeria and taken to the Herbarium Service Unit (HSU), Department of Plant Biology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria for authentication with a voucher number of F.H.I. 11295.
3.2 Drying and Extraction
The mushroom samples were cut into pieces using a sharp knife. The pieces were air-dried properly for a period of 1 week, and to avoid rot it was kept in an oven at 40°C in the night time. The air-dried mushroom sample was blended into powder using a blender with the model (Fawole and Oso, 2012). Extraction of the bioactive components was done after blending the dried mushroom into powder. About 250 g of it was weighed into two different conical flask. One was mixed with 750ml 95% ethanol and covered while the second portion was soaked with 750ml of boiled hot water. Both were shaken and left to stand for 72hours and then filtered using muslin bag. The filtrate was dried using rotary evaporator at 78°C for the ethanolic extract and 95°C for the water extract.
3.3. Experimental Mice
Thirty white albino mice were obtained from the Department of Zoology, Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Kwara State. They weighed between 17-25g and were all male.
3.3.0 Ethical Approval
The protocol for this study was approved by the Ethical Review Committee of Kwara State University in conjunction with the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee of Kwara State University, Malete, Ilorin, Kwara State.
3.3.1. Infection of the Mice with Plasmodium berghei
The mice were infected intraperitoneally with Plasmodium berghei (NK 65 species) gotten from the National Institute of Medical Research (NIMER), Lagos, Nigeria. They were given 0.2 ml of 1.67×106 parasitized red blood cells.
3.3.2. Suppressive Test
The 4-day parasite suppressive test according to (Funmilola et al., 2014) was used. After 2-3 hours of infection, the first dose of the extract was given to the mice after dividing them into the following groups of 5 mice per group as follows:
Group 1- Infected and treated with 200mg/ml of hot water extract of A. bisporus.
Group 2- Infected and treated with 400mg/ml of hot water extract of A. bisporus.
Group 3- Infected and treated with 200mg/ml of ethanolic extract of A. bisporus.
Group 4- Infected and treated with 400mg/ml of ethanolic extract of A. bisporus.
Group 5- Infected and treated with 5mg/ml of chloroquine.
Group 6- Infected and not treated.
The mice were given the extract in the above doses daily for 4 days.
3.3.3 Parasitaemia Count
The parasitaemia count was done daily starting from shortly before the treatment and after the first oral treatment. This was done by a little cut on their tail and making a smear of the blood on the slide.
%Parasitaemia = Total number of parasitized red blood cell count × 100
Total number of red blood count
(Trape, 2010)
CHAPTER THREE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT IS COMING SOON ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]1.4 Aim and Objectives1.4.1 AimTo determine the antiplasmodial activity of extracts of edible mushroom: Agaricus bisporus on Plasmodium berghei in albino mice.1.4.2 ObjectivesThe specific objectives of this study were to:a. assess the analytical components of edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry (GCMS).b. determine the antiplasmodial activity of edible mushroom extract: (Agaricus bisporus) on Plasmodium berghei.c. ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]HPLC-based activity profiling and subsequent chromatography of the ethyl acetate extract of Ganoderma lucidum yielded six lanostanes (106–112) of which three (107, 108, 112) were new (Fig. 1). These lanostanes exhibited moderate in vitro antiplasmodial activity with IC50 values of 6 to 20 Μm (Adams et al., 2010). Investigation of the chemical constituents of fungus, Cordyceps nipponica BCC 1389 led to the identification of four isolates of N-hydroxy- and N-methoxy-2-pyridones compounds ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FOUR - [ Total Page(s): 6 ]CHAPTER FOUR4.0 RESULTSThe compounds present in the aqueous and alcoholic extract of Agaricus bisporus were identified by GC-MS analysis after analysis. Aqueous mushroom extract was labelled as A while the alcoholic extract was labelled B. The active principle Molecular Weight (MW), Concentration (%), Molecular Formula (MF), and Retention Time (RT). Nine compounds were identified in the extracts. The prevailing compounds in the aqueous extract were 1-Butanamine, 2-methyl-N- (2-methylbtylid ... Continue reading---
CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0 DiscussionThis result of the Gas Chromatograghy Mass Spectrophotometry identified the compounds present in the fruiting body of A. bisporus. The prevailing compounds in the aqueous extract were 1-Butanamine, 2-methyl-N- (2-methylbtylidene) (2.03%), 2-Pyrorolidinone (7.46%) while the prevailing compounds in the alcoholic extract were n-Hexadecanoic acid (19.47%) and 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z) (80.53%). According to Isaka et al. (2001), these are some of the active ingre ... Continue reading---
REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]REFERENCESAdams, M., Christen, M., Plitzko, I., Zimmermann, S., Brun, R., Kaiser, M., Hamburger, M. (2010) Antiplasmodial lanostanes from the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom. Journal of Natural Products, 73:897–900.Akindahunsi, A. A., and Oyetayo, F. L. (2012). Nutrient and anti-nutrient distribution of edible mushroom, Pleurotus tuberregium (Fries) Singer. Food Science and Technology, 39(5):548-553.Anthony, M.P., Burrows, J.N., Duparc, S., Moehrle, J.J.,Wells, T.N.C. (2012) The global pipelin ... Continue reading---