• The Antiplasmodial Activity Of Extracts Of Edible Mushroom: Agaricus Bisporus On Plasmodium Berghei In Albino Mice

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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    • Based on Duncan multiple range test, the mean parasites at 200mg/ml of the aqueous extract (112±1.75) on the first day do not significantly differ from the second day (101±1.13), but significantly differs from the third (54±1.03) and fourth day (37±0.84). With respect to the mean parasites at 200mg/ml of the alcoholic extract on the first day (100±0.33), based on Duncan multiple range test, the first day differs significantly from the second day (38±0.20), the second day however do not significantly differ from the third day (32±0.17) but differ from the fourth day (4±0.10).
      Based on Duncan multiple range test, the mean parasite at 400mg/ml of the alcoholic extract on the first day (102±1.12) do not significantly differ from the second day (94±1.04a) and the third day (92±0.77) but significantly differ fourth day (34±0.25). With respect to the mean parasites at 400mg/ml of the aqueous on the first day, based on Duncan multiple range test, the first day (138±2.00) do not differ significantly from the second (134±1.93) but there was an increase in the third (201±1.58) and fourth day (213±1.73), hence differs significantly.
      Based on Duncan multiple range test, the mean parasite at 5mg/ml of chloroquine (positive control) on the first day (78±0.21) significantly differ from the second day (9±0.16) and the third day (2±0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the second and third day.
      Based on Duncan multiple range test, the mean parasite of the negative control on the first day (458±2.47) significantly differ from all other days. The second day (594±2.52) also differ significantly from the third day (1013±1.88) and fourth (1096±2.35), just as the third day differ significantly from the fourth (Table 8).

  • CHAPTER FOUR -- [Total Page(s) 6]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT IS COMING SOON ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]1.4    Aim and Objectives1.4.1    AimTo determine the antiplasmodial activity of extracts of edible mushroom: Agaricus bisporus on Plasmodium berghei in albino mice.1.4.2    ObjectivesThe specific objectives of this study were to:a.    assess the analytical components of edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometry (GCMS).b.    determine the antiplasmodial activity of edible mushroom extract: (Agaricus bisporus) on Plasmodium berghei.c.    ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER TWO - [ Total Page(s): 4 ]HPLC-based activity profiling and subsequent chromatography of the ethyl acetate extract of Ganoderma lucidum yielded six lanostanes (106–112) of which three (107, 108, 112) were new (Fig. 1). These lanostanes exhibited moderate in vitro antiplasmodial activity with IC50 values of 6 to 20 Μm (Adams et al., 2010). Investigation of the chemical constituents of fungus, Cordyceps nipponica BCC 1389 led to the identification of four isolates of N-hydroxy- and N-methoxy-2-pyridones compounds ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER THREE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER THREE3.0    MATERIALS AND METHODS3.1    Sample Collection    Sufficient mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) was gotten from Igunsin village, Akure north in Ondo State, Nigeria and taken to the Herbarium Service Unit (HSU), Department of Plant Biology, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria for authentication with a voucher number of F.H.I. 11295.3.2    Drying and ExtractionThe mushroom samples were cut into pieces using a sharp knife. The pieces were air-dried properly ... Continue reading---


      CHAPTER FIVE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER FIVE5.0    DiscussionThis result of the Gas Chromatograghy Mass Spectrophotometry identified the compounds present in the fruiting body of A. bisporus. The prevailing compounds in the aqueous extract were 1-Butanamine, 2-methyl-N- (2-methylbtylidene) (2.03%), 2-Pyrorolidinone (7.46%) while the prevailing compounds in the alcoholic extract were n-Hexadecanoic acid (19.47%) and 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z) (80.53%). According to Isaka et al. (2001), these are some of the active ingre ... Continue reading---


      REFRENCES - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]REFERENCESAdams, M., Christen, M., Plitzko, I., Zimmermann, S., Brun, R., Kaiser, M., Hamburger, M. (2010) Antiplasmodial lanostanes from the Ganoderma lucidum mushroom. Journal of Natural Products, 73:897–900.Akindahunsi, A. A., and Oyetayo, F. L. (2012). Nutrient and anti-nutrient distribution of edible mushroom, Pleurotus tuberregium (Fries) Singer. Food Science and Technology, 39(5):548-553.Anthony, M.P., Burrows, J.N., Duparc, S., Moehrle, J.J.,Wells, T.N.C. (2012) The global pipelin ... Continue reading---