• An Evaluation Of The Causes And Problems Of Building Collapse In Nigeria
    [A Case Study of Selected Buildings In Ilorin Metropolis]

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      The building and other structures within an environment are subjected to a variety of operating conditions and their performance are predictable within limit and considerable margins of uncertainties are taking into account on the design process. In the developed world, building and other infrastructures are built to last long and such buildings are not limited by time.
          Hence, it is possible to see building spanning between 100-120 years or more which stands as monuments depicting the history of the people. A documentary shows a building in Australia, built in the 14th Century (i.e. 800 years ago) that serves as a palace. It was existing and awesome touring around such edifices in this regards, to note that colonial building in Nigeria are not under any treat of collapse. Many buildings constructed under colonial government shared the same characteristics stability. The reason for this is simple, rules were followed in erecting such buildings, the colonial officers in charge of housing and planning ensured that there were no shortcuts in erecting standard buildings.
      If developed countries could provide for greater returns in terms of lives saved, as for structures failed due to inadequate design against loads traditionally catered for and often failures are due to ignorance, lack of experience or research (Kennaway 1984).
          The importance of the project work is geared to save lives and properties from indiscriminate destructions, thereby making environment inhabitable. For the purpose of this research, if justice and equity is done in the building sector, definitely, there would be an absolute eradication of building collapse in Nigeria.
      The scope of this research is focused on causes and problems of building collapse with a case study of selected areas within Ilorin metropolis.
          However, this research has being limited by the following.
      1.    Lack of proper and adequate records on building collapse, the causes and problems in Nigeria made it difficult to obtain as many as possible information on building collapse.
      2.    Some properties owners may not want their property to be used as a point of reference, thereby hidden some current data
      3.    Financial constraint constituted a serious problem in terms of visiting the study areas and doing other activities.
      4.    Non-availability of sufficient time also contributes to the set back of the research work, time were shared between other responsibilities, mostly academics which post serious treat to the completion of the research.
      1.6    CASE STUDY AREA
      Kwara State of which is the capital was created on the 27th May, 1967 as one of the twelve states that replaced the former four regional structure the Northern Western, Mid Western and Eastern regions in the country.
           At the time of creation, the state is comprised of the old Ilorin and Kabba provinces of the then Northern Region of Nigeria and was originally known as the west central state. For some time, only to be renamed Kwara State shortly afterwards to reflect the local name of its major river, the Niger in the Lokoja area.
          In 1967, the land area of Kwara State extended from Borgu area in the North West to the eastern limit of the present Kogi State in the east. However, further state creation and boundary readjustment exercised in the country by successive military administrations since 1967 have led to considerable losses in the land area, as well as human and materials resources of Kwara State, and these in turn have had their toll on the development potentialities of the state. In 1991, five local government areas Oyi, Yagba, Okenni, Okehi and Kogi were also excised form part of Kogi State, while the 6th Borgu local government area was matched with Niger State.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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