• Real Estate Agency Practice In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.3     SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      The study is to examine the challenges associated with real estate agency practice in Ilorin, the study will cover the activities of real estate agency professionals (The Estate Surveyors and Valuers) in Ilorin in dealing with real estate agency practice considering the policies been set aside to guide practice of real estate agency in the country with the aid of administering questionnaires to sample the opinion of selected Professionals.
      The contribution of this study would be of interest to Estate Surveyor and Valuers, the general public and also to the government. It will be of benefits to the Estate Surveyors and Valuers through proper regulation of the practice by ensuring that only qualified persons practice real estate agency.
      Also important to general public by educating them on the need to patronize the professional real estate agents and the criteria that makes someone a real estate agent i.e the qualifications of the real estate agent and the professional bodies such agent belong to. General public will also benefits through improved and quality agency services from reliable and well referenced real estate agents. It will help the government in tackling the issue of fraudulent transaction in real estate agency practice  
      And lastly, this research will also serve as a future reference for researchers interested in carrying out further research on the study of challenges associated with real estate agency practice
      During the course of gathering data for the study there were constraints which was encountered which are:
      •    The time limit for the research work is short for a more comprehensive work and due to the time frame of the reseach.
      •    Also some of the respondents did not provide all the necessary data required from them due to confidentiality
      •    The researcher found it very tedious in getting necessary data from the principal partner as they were seen to be busy carrying out their daily activities
      •    Lastly there is problem of human and financial resources in carrying out the research.
      Ilorin the capital city of Kwara State, Nigeria is located on latitude 8o 24’N and 8o 36’N and longitude 4o 10’E and 4o 36’E with an area of about 100Km2 (Kwara State Diary, 1997). It is situated at a strategic point between the densely populated south- western and the sparsely populated middle belt of Nigeria. Ilorin is located in traditional zone between the deciduous woodland of the south and dry savanna of North of Nigeria.(Jimoh, 2003)
      The climate of Ilorin is characterized by both wet and dry seasons. The temperature of Ilorin ranges from 33oC to 34oC from November to January while from February to April; the value ranges between 34oC to 53oC (Ilorin Atlas, 1982). The mean monthly temperatures are very high varying from 25oC to 28.90C.  The diurnal range of temperature is also high in the area. The rainfall in Ilorin city exhibits greater variability both temporarily and spatially.(Ajadi, 1996).The total annual rainfall in the area is about 1200mm. Relative humidity at Ilorin in the wet season is between 75 to 80% while in the dry season it is about 65% . The day time is sunny. The sun shines brightly for about 6.5 to 7.7 hours daily from November to May. (Olaniran,2002)
       The soils of Ilorin are loamy soil with sodium and low fertility. Because of the high seasonal rainfall coupled with the high temperature, there is tendency for lateritic soil to constitute the major soil types due to the leaching of minerals nutrients of the soil (Ajibade and Ojeola, 2004).
      The derived savanna dominates the vegetation of the area. The vegetation type comprises tall grass which is interspersed with scattered trees. Amongst the grasses in the area include spear grass, elephant grass, and goat weed. Trees in the area include shear butter, acacia and locust beans trees. (Ilorin Atlas, 1982).
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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