• An Evaluation Of Urban Housing Problems In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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          The study findings will be of  benefit to the estate surveyor and valuer and property owners; as will reveal the important strategies necessary for overcoming the challanges before them.The industry stakeholders such as the client, Architect,Estate Surveyor and Valuer, Builder and government will better understand the constraints and also assist in mapping out strategies that will aid thier development.
          The government and stakeholders will be better informed through study recommendation of policy which will assist the property managers and owner in boosting thier ability  and capacity to quality housing delivery proccess.
          Moreover, the project research  can as well be a guide for the incoming student who want to research on housing or any matter relating to housing.
      1.5.       SCOPE OF STUDY.
          The scope of this study is based on evaluating of urban housing problems in Ibadan of Oyo state. But inview of the wide nature of the research topic, the study will focus mainly on Ibadan metropolis.
      1.6.    LIMITATION OF STUDY.
          In the course of this research work, some factors hindered the free flow of work such as inadequate finance, level of illetracy from the public, non release of vital document or information in the respective local government and limited time available for this research work and cost of preparation.
      1.7.    STUDY AREA.
          Oyo State cover approximately an area of 28,458 kilometers and is ranked 14th by size, it is bounded in the south by Ogun state in the north by kwara state, in the west it is partly bounded by Ogun state and partly by the republic of  Benin, while in the East by Osun State.
          Oyo State contain a number of natural features including the old national pack. The climate is equitorial notably with dry and wet season with relatively high humidity. The dry season last from November to march while the wet starts from April and ends in October Average daily temperature ranges between 25c(77.00 F)  and  35 c (95.00 F) almost through the year.
          Oyo State is located in the south west region of  Nigeria, latitude 8 degree and longitude 4 degree East bisect state into four nearly equal parts. The people of oyo state are Yoruba with  common ancestor in oduduwa within the state however, there are sub-ethnic group with distinct dialet peculiarities. The people of Oyo state may be divided into five broad groups, viz Ibadan, Ibarapas, Oyo Oke Ogun and Ogbomosos.
      1.8.     DEFINITION OF TERMS.
      1.    HOUSING: Housing is a permanent shelter for human habitation, or house and other building where people lives. OR Housing can means a dwelling that enders a bundle of services which ranges from the units to bases from which economic activities can be pursued.
      2.    URBANIZATION: Can be defined as the outcome of socia, economic and political development that leads to urban concentration and growth of large cities, changes in land use and transformation from rural to metropolitan pattern of  organization and governance.
      3.    URBAN AREA: Is an area where sociol-economic activities take place and also identified with such use like residential, ccommercial, individual, recreational centre and many others.
      4.    SHELTER: Is a structure that protects the occupants from environmental factors and dangers. Shelter is universally acknowledged as one of the most basic human needs, with a profound impact on the lifestyles, hapiness as well as productivity of indidual.
      5.    PUBLIC HOUSING: Is the housing embacked upon by the government or government organization relating to housing e.g Federal Housing Authority(FHA) and state Housing coporations. The aim of public involvement in the housing is to make houses available to the masses at affordable cost. The objective is contrary to that of private developers whose aim is to profit maximization.
      6.    PRIVATE HOUSING: Can be defined as when private organization or an individual embacked  on housing programmes with the aim of making profit for investing in such venture.      

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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