• An Assessment Of Low Income Housing Programme In Nigeria
    [A case study of state low income housing in Kwara State]

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    • Under the 3rd national development plan 1978-1980 the government of the federation voted N 25 billion for housing development over 90% of the outlay was to be expected on the direct construction of low rental value unit, mainly for the low and medium group in part of the country. the amount N 2. 5 billion was expected to generate 202,000 housing units throughout the planned period
          The units were broken down as follows 8,000 housing unit for each of the state and 50,000 for Lagos state. The federal housing authority was expected to provide the infrastructure to provide the additional 12,000 unit with each of the state government would build. However as at the end of planned period less than 50% of the target set was actually achieved.
          All state was far from target set. the reason advance for the low level of achievement include initial difficulty in getting land acquired for the scheme administration capacity, slow phase of construction by contractor non-availability of fund for executing project.
          The unrealistic nature of the target set end or wrong in appropriate approach to the execution and management of federal and state housing scheme.
          The anti-inflationary task force which was set up to examine the inflationary tender in the economy and to identify their cause death with housing, among other things in line with the recommendation of the anti inflation task force, the rent panel was set up in 1976 to review the level as structure of rent in the country
          The period between 1972 and 1979 witnessed an era in which federal government was committed to implement its housing programmes within a national work. it was the first time in Nigeria history that special housing programmes was introduced for low income worker throughout the federation. A solid foundation was also land for massive housing programmes
          However, it should be noted that the government housing programmes during this period were too ambitious and actual performance was far from target set.
          In 1978, the land use degree was promulgated by which all land in the states was vested in the hands of the governor of the state to hold in trust for the people. The degree set regulation for land allocation and management. However, the implementation of land use decree has remained a problematic issue and most of the objectives of which it was promulgated have been difficult to achieve.
          Civilian era 2nd republic at the beginning of civilian administration in the second republic both the states and federal government gave priority to housing programmes embarked upon by different states and federal government. Practically extraordinary in this sector in the housing programmes of Jakande of Lagos state and the Oyo state government under chief Bola-ige.
          Under the federal housing scheme, the federal government planned to construct 2,000 housing unit per year in each of the 19states of the federation and federal capital territory. In five year, the plan of the federal government was to build a total of 2000 housing units, each of the state government also proposed to build equally substantial number of housing project were well.                   
          Both the state and federal housing project were well under way and few state were about to attract some of the completed houses when military took over again from civilian.
          When military took over the government the economy of the country was already at abysmal state. The politician becomes shameful. They were mainly concern with salvaging the already battered national economic which was bastardized by the ruling federal party to a ridiculous level. The low income housing programme of the former federal government, civilian regime was revisited. The federal military government gave directive that the army as well as police should take possession of unoccupied and unallocated building of completed houses in the remote part of the country where they were located as barrack.
          The rest were to the taken over by the local government authority under whose jurisdiction the site lies.
          Furthermore, the federal military government announced the complete hand off of private rental premises for government worker and instead paid housing allowance to individual official should look for their own accommodation.
          Low income has been impressive advances in the past three or four decades. The most successful ones have pursued market. Friendly development strategies. The private sectors have been the engines of growth, generating sustained increase in income to allow investment in broadly base and long-term development. And the government has been focusing on macroeconomic stability, on the business environment, and on basic physical infrastructure and human resources. The result are how to sustained high growth rates, with widely share gains in living standards.
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