• Impact Of Urban Growth On Residential Property Development
    [A case study of upper part of Gaa-Akanbi Ilorin south L.G.A Kwara State]

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          The aim of this research is to find out or throw more lightly on the growth problem and prospects of small scale industry in Nigeria.
          The objectives of the projects is primarily to find out the growth problems and prospects confronting small scale industry in Oyo State with a case study of Taotech Quarry and Mining Nigeria Limited Ibadan.
          The study will recommend ways and means of eliminating these problems with a view to achieving was given to small scale industries because I have considered carefully the nature of the state. Industries are just spring up, there are very few large scale industries where as small scale industries are very much and could be found in urban and rural areas. The project is being strutted in to five different chapters which are:
          Chapter one contain, introduction of the study, statement of problems, objective of the study, scope of the study. Limitation of the study, plan of the study, definition of concept and term.
          Chapter two contain, literature review, definition of small scale industry, importance of small scale industry, sources of finance for small-scale industry, characteristics of small business firms in Nigeria, problem facing small-scale industry, I-low small-scale industry can be growth and develop in Nigeria.
          Chapter three also contain, Research methodology, area of study, population of study, sample size and sampling procedure, method of data collection, source of data collection, statistical tool applied data analysis
          Chapter four will also contain Result and discussion, demographic characteristics of the respondents. Chapter five also contain, conclusion of the study, recommendation of the study

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]The small scale industries are faced general with three types of financial needs.(a) The need for initial capital(b) Working capital once the firms is in operation(c) Capital for expansion3. Apart from these financial needs the small scale industries have difficulty in securing long term equity finance, obtaining greater protection from the calling of loans and security funds in small amount at lower rates?4. In light of the discussion small scale industries should not be allowed die because of ... Continue reading---