• Impact Of Urban Growth On Residential Property Development
    [A case study of upper part of Gaa-Akanbi Ilorin south L.G.A Kwara State]

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The small scale industries are faced general with three types of financial needs.
      (a) The need for initial capital
      (b) Working capital once the firms is in operation
      (c) Capital for expansion
      3. Apart from these financial needs the small scale industries have difficulty in securing long term equity finance, obtaining greater protection from the calling of loans and security funds in small amount at lower rates?
      4. In light of the discussion small scale industries should not be allowed die because of financial inadequacy. Their survival is of great importance to the country since the majority of firms in the Nigeria business sector are mostly small scale in nature. Moreover many large scale business of today are off show of yesterday small firms.
      (a) The objectives of the project is primarily to find out the growth, problems and prospects confronting small scale industries in OYO State with a case study of Taotech Quarry and Mining Nigeria Limited Ibadan.
      (b) The study also will recommend ways and means of eliminating these problems with a view to achieving better efficiency in this sector.
      (c) Consideration was given to small scale industries because I have considered carefully the nature of the state. Industries are just spring up, there are very few large scale industries where as small scale industries are very much and could be found in urban and rural areas.
      1.3    SCOPE OF THE STUDY
          There are many problems threaten the growth of small scale industries today paramount of them is management and accounting problems.
          Perhaps the genesis of these problem emanate from the fear that unlike big companies small scale industries are not statutory bound to newer account to stewardship through to appraiser its performance.
          Although this research project was carried out solve growth, problems and prospects of small scale industries in Nigeria. It appears that forecasting are a few of factors that have presented propensity and allowed availability of problems to remain with small scale industries with the resulting high rate of unpredictability and morality.
          Generally, carrying out any research on any study, cost must be very important without enough in hand, it will be very difficult to carry on the research effectively. In our economy, education is with terms, an average student find it very difficult to receive the sum of #4,000:00 on project work as a result of this problem, finance has limited the effort of the researcher from going to various places in owner to get some data for this project work.
          Also, textbooks and journals are not made available in the library the journal room is not opened at the appropriate time for the student books that cannot give enough data for the researcher.
          Furthermore, time was another constraint, due to it was not possible to visit various small scale industries, so that comparisons could be made them will out case study of Taotcch Quarry and Mining Company Nigeria Limited. There were also human problem of not meeting the respondent on seat either in the site or at their main office each time I visit the company concerned.
      1.5    PLAN OF THE STUDY
          This project work is organized in such a way that it is start with the introduction in chapter one under it stated the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective, scope of the study and including the limitation of the study.
          The second chapter deals with the literature review which discuss the meaning of small scale industries, importance of small scale industries, source of finance small scale industry, character of small scale and growth of small scale industries, how it is practiced at Taotech Quarry and Mining Company Nigeria Limited Ibadan.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]ABSTRACT    The aim of this research is to find out or throw more lightly on the growth problem and prospects of small scale industry in Nigeria.    The objectives of the projects is primarily to find out the growth problems and prospects confronting small scale industry in Oyo State with a case study of Taotech Quarry and Mining Nigeria Limited Ibadan.    The study will recommend ways and means of eliminating these problems with a view to achieving was given to small scale industries b ... Continue reading---