• The Effect Of Incompatible Land Uses In Central Business District

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.0    INTRODUCTION
      According to market beat United States C.B.D. office report 2011, scallywag org.uk website) A city core is after referred to as its central business district (C.B.D). It contains the peak land value which is usually an intersection and is often an area of congestion.
      The CBD or central business district is focal point of a city. It is the commercial, office, retail, and cultural center of the city and usually is the center point for transportation networks
      The CBD developed as the market square in ancient cities. On market days, farmers, merchants and consumers would gather in the center of the city to exchange, buy, and sell goods. This ancient market is the fore runner to the CBD.
      As cities grew and developed, CBDs become fixed location where retail and commerce took place. The CBD is typically is at or near the oldest part of the city and is often near a major transportation route that provided the site for the city’s location, such as a river, railway, or highway.
      Over time, the CBD develop into a center of finance and control government as well as office space. In the early 1900s, European and American cities had CBD that featured primarily retail and commercial cores. In the mid 20th century, the CBD expanded to include office space and commercial business while retail too k a back seat. The growth of the sky scraper occurred in CBD making them more and more dense.
      By the beginning of the 21st century, the CBD had become a diverse region of the metropolitan area and included residential, retail, commercial, government, financial is institutions, medical centers, and culture. The experts of the city are often located at work Places of institutions in the CBD- lawyers, doctors, academics, government officials and bureaucrats, entertainers, directors and financiers.
      The recent decades, the combination of gentrification (residential expansion) and development of shopping malls as entertainment centers have given the CBD new life. Once can now find, in addition to housing, mega- ,as, theaters, museums, and stadiums. Sam Diego’s Horton plaza is an example of redeveloping the downtown as an entertainment and shopping district. Pedestrian malls are also common today in CBD in an effort to make the CBD a 24hour a day destination for not only those who work in the CBD but also to bring in people to live and to play in the CBD. Without entertainment and cultural opportunities, the CBD is often far more populated during the day than at night as relatively few workers live in the CBD and most do commute to their jobs in the CBD. By matt Rosenberg, (2008)
      Hence, the ways in which incompatible of land uses exist between commercial, industrial and residential land use in the central business district of Ilorin metropolis will be examined by taking Tanke area and Taiwo Road as a selected area for the study.
      It has been noticed that, there are problems associable with incompatible land uses in central business district (CBD) in most urban areas. This contain untidy confusion, high population rate, traffic congestion and mixture of incompatible uses to which land has been subjected to this categories of problems are very common, in most urban area where many activities such as commercial and services activities from, residential, industrialization and recreational  location are been found.
      The above stated problems have give rise to the government to enforce zoning regulation especially at the core areas of our cities. Despite this, the incompatible uses still continue to exist in the CBD areas. For this reason, this project research work intends to provide answer s to some relevant question such as;
      i.    What are the existing land uses in the study area?
      ii.    What are the problems emanating from those uses?
      iii.    What are the government efforts to control those problems emanating from the incompatible land uses?
      iv.     What are the structures of the city generally?
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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