• The Effect Of Incompatible Land Uses In Central Business District

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The concentration of all these land use activities thus influencing the population of city has increased from 208,346 in 1963 to 508 388 in 1991 of which females are more than males for the purpose of this study, the head count of 1963( which is still reliable give the population of ilorin to be  508, 388 in 1991 which has been  projected  to about 2,365,353 by the year 2006). whereby male is 1,193, 783 and female is 1,171,570.(NPC).
      i.    LAND: According to Adebayo (2004) Its an area of the ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming, building transportation and etc. i.e. the solid portion of the earth surface.
      ii.    PROPERTY: According to Bashorun it is any physical or intangible entity that is owned by a person or jointly by a group of people or a legal entiry likes a corperation. Depending on the nature of the property, an owner of property has the right to consume, sell, rent, mortgage, transfer, exchange or destroy it, or to exclude others from doing these things.
      iii.    COMMERCIAL PROPERTY: According to Bashorun (2005) real estate intended for use by for profit business, such as office complexes, shopping malls, service stations and restaurants. It may be purchase outright by a developer for future projects or leased through a real estate broker. This type of property falls some where between residential and industrial property.
      iv.    PEAK LAND VALUE: According to Adebayo (2004) refer to it as  region within a settlement with the greatest land value and commerce. As such, it is usually located in the central business district of a town or city and has the greatest density oft as transportation links such as roads and rails. ( by David Waugh , 2000)
      v.    RECREATIONAL: These are the activities that is being referred to as leisure i.e. activities  which  often brings about enjoyment, amusement  or pleasure and are considered to be fun( Claudia Wallis 2010)
      vi.    DOWNTOWN: Is a term primarily used in north America by English speakers to refer to a city’s core (or center) or central business district, often in a geographical sense. It has been used in Australia in cities  like Sydney and melborune and for new zeal and mian city Auckland, as well ( larry ford 2003)
      vii.    RESIDETIAL PROPERTY: It means a building or part thereof or currently designed for use as a single dwelling only and include. On buildings or other appetencies   incidental to any such use (John A Kilpatrick 1999).
      viii.    INDUSTRIALIZATION: Chika (2012) refer to it as the period of social and economic change that transforms a human from an agrarian society into an industrial one. It is a part of a wider modernization process where social change and economic development are closely related with technological innovation, particularly with the development of large scale energy and metaltargy production. It is an extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing. ( By Kemptom 1999)
      ix.    CBD: The term CBD central business district of a city, usually typified by a concentration of rental and office building. Also it is called a central activities district which is the commercial and often geographical heart of a city. By wikipeia (mobile version). (Arthur 2003)
      x.    CRAMATORY: Business directly responsible for the cremation of the descendant’s remains ( stein, peter 2010)
      xi.    DOMICLIARY LETTER’S : The document a probate court issues to the administrator of an estate, authoring  them to act on behalf of the estate and to perform all duties required to administer the estate, according to estate laws ( Gwon, Yeong-Seok 2006)
      xii.    EQUITABLE TITLE: A right a beneficiary retains to benefit from the property as specified in the trust. Also called beneficial title (Steven M. 2003).
      xiii.    ESTATE : Term used in common law to signify the total of a person’s property entitlements and obligations owned at death ( Memili, Umit 2012)
      xiv.    BOND: The large scale real estate  development is capital intensive and initials long  - term investment risks, long term investment risks are better managed when the investment are matched by long term capital corporate bonds intermediate between long – term investment needs and long term capital kuye 2006.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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