• The Effect Of High Cost Of Building Materials On Porperty Development

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • Estate surveyor and valuer: According to Kuye (2000), define Estate surveyor and valuer as a person who determine or estimate the monetary worth or value at a specified date and for a specified purpose of the property rights encompassed in ownership.
      An estate surveyor and valuer is any person who has under gone a period of training in the filed of estate management or loans economy and has passed the prescribed examination of the Nigeria institution of Estate surveyor and valuers and subsequently registered as fit and proper person to practice the profession of estate surveying and valuation by the estate surveyor and valuers registration board of Nigeria (ESVABON) in accordance with the provision of Decree No 24 of 1975.
      Maintenance: This can be defining as the continuous protective case of the fabric contents and selling of a building.
          It is one process which helps to conserve a place, in conjunction with other processes such as:
      i.    Preservation
      ii.    Restoration
      iii.    Reconstruction]
      iv.    Adaptation
      Development: Development means the process of carrying out construction works which are associated with a change in use of land or with its building or with a change in the intensity of the use of land or with the res-establishment of an existing use (Michael 1965).
      Value: Value is the power of a commodity to commend other commodities in exchange for it. It can also be defined as presence worth of future benefit (Okoh 2001).
      Research: Serious and detailed study of a subject that is aimed at learning new facts scientific laws, testing ideals (Oyefeso 1995).
      Estate: Is a large area of land which is owned by a family or an organization. It includes any interest in landed property which gives risk to a measure of control (Kuye 2000).
      Land: This can simply be defined as a solid portion of the earth surface. It includes soil, grasses, trees and any other fixed or attach to it (Macmillan Dictionary).
      Prominent land uses: This based on used of land for many social activities that is well known and serve as infrastructural facilities of a town (Ebenezer 1983).
      Property: Is any physical or intangible entity that is owned by a person or jointly by a group of people or  a legal entity like a corporation, depending on  the nature of the property, an owner of property has the right to consume, sell, rent, mortgage, transfer, exchange of destroy it or be excluded other from doing these things (John locke 2000).

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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