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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study examined the effect of information technology on facilities management practices in some selected hotels in Lagos. The research design adopted in this study was a descriptive survey method. The population of study comprised all the staff members of five (5) selected hotels in Lagos State. The sample size was determined using Yawane Taro’s formular. The sampling technique adopted was a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a structured questionnaire on the “effect of Information Technology on facilities management practices.” The data col ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]1.2 Statement of the ProblemThe tools of strategic management are used in many successful businesses while other businesses rarely attempt to use them even though they succeed for a while. Large organizations with many departments cannot succeed without long-range planning in a volatile environment (Arthur and Gamble, 2004). The gradual decline of many former large and successful hotels and restaurants in Lagos in the last decades points to a lack of knowledge on the impact of strategic management on sustainable high-performance of hotels and restaurants in the region. Would the declining sale ... Continue Reading