• The Effects Of Information Technology On Facilities Management Practices

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • 1.2 Statement of the Problem

      The tools of strategic management are used in many successful businesses while other businesses rarely attempt to use them even though they succeed for a while. Large organizations with many departments cannot succeed without long-range planning in a volatile environment (Arthur and Gamble, 2004). The gradual decline of many former large and successful hotels and restaurants in Lagos in the last decades points to a lack of knowledge on the impact of strategic management on sustainable high-performance of hotels and restaurants in the region. Would the declining sales and profits be a failure by senior management to manage the hotels strategically in a changing environment? An area that has a great potential yet to be exploited is the area of tourist hotel development.

      In a construction project, there are communication gaps between the various project participants such as the designer, builder, and owner. The gap is much more evident in the operation and maintenance of a facility. When a building is completed, the owner does not just obtain a new building, but also a plethora of project information in paper and electronic form. It is then up to the owner to make sense of it all at their own expense of time and money. Technology has the potential to fill in the communication gaps that exist, but it has been prevented by the industry’s resistance to incorporate technological innovations. Cellular phones and electronic mail have influenced business, education, and practically everything else in life, as well as the construction industry.

      Documents and drawings can be sent to someone in an instant, and people can talk to each other halfway around the world with wireless phones. Yet, the construction industry still has not fully benefited from the potential that technology has and lags behind other industries. This study therefore concerns the effect of information technology on facilities management practices in some selected hotels in Lagos.

      1.3 Objective of the Study

      The general objective of the study was to assess effect of information technology on facilities management practices in some selected hotels in Lagos.

      Specific objectives are to

      1. Explore the level of facility management practices carried out in hotels and restaurants and influence on hotel performance in Lagos.

      2. Elucidate the key role modern information technology play in facility management in Lagos state

      3. Examine the impact of facility management practices in service delivery in the hotel in Lagos

      4. Highlight the major factors that facilitate or inhibit technology adoption and implementation in hotel industry

      1.4 Research questions

      1. To what extent are facility management practices carried out in hotels and restaurants in Lagos?

      2. Will information technology improve the facility management and maintenance practices of hotels?

      3. What is the impact of facility management practices in service delivery in the hotel in Lagos?

      4. What are the major factors that inhibit technology adoption and implementation in hotel industry

      1.5 Research Hypotheses

      1. Information technology will not improve the facility management and maintenance practices of hotels.

      2. Facility management practices will not have any significant impact on service delivery in the hotels in Lagos.

      1.6 Significance of the Study

      The tourist industry in Lagos state will through the findings of the study have a turn around since the facilities in the hotels will greatly be improved; more attractive and safer for visitors.

      The information from this study will acquaint the management of hotels in the state with the need for the adoption of information technology so as to compete favourably and meet up with the international standard as well.

      The customers of the hotels will benefit hence their satisfaction will be very much assured.   

      1.7 Area of the Study

      This study was conducted in some Hotels in Lagos state, Nigeria.

      1.8 Limitations of the Study

      Lack of accurate date on the number of registered hotels in Lagos and unwillingness of the managements of the hotels to provide informations on the nature of facility operations in the hotels were the major constraints to the study.

      1.9 Operational Definition of Terms

      Maintenance: activities carried out to ensure that facilities in the hotels are in good working condition.

      Facilities: equipment and structures that aid service delivery in the hotel industry.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study examined the effect of information technology on facilities management practices in some selected hotels in Lagos. The research design adopted in this study was a descriptive survey method. The population of study comprised all the staff members of five (5) selected hotels in Lagos State. The sample size was determined using Yawane Taro’s formular. The sampling technique adopted was a simple random sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was a structured question ... Continue reading---