• The Causes And Impacts Of Urban Growth On Residential Properties

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    • The hamlets like Idape Okesuna and Gambari which also had their traditional heads within their hamlets were a major spots where there was a big thin there hamlets used by the locals to sharpen their metal objects such as farm implements. That spot where the stone is located was referred to as Ilorin. It served as a meeting point for the locals to interact. Unfortunately, Sheik Alimi could mot interact with the people due to language barrier so he relied on Olufadi his hosts to interpret for him.
      i.    URBANIZATION: - The development of town or city areas and the increasing proportion of man’s activities now carried out in such area illustrated dramatically man’s ability to fashion the physical economical and social world in which he lives. Urban areas are thus very much a human invention which are many problem involved in defining the term “urban areas and also depending upon the point of view from which a study is being made the “urban area” may refer to the physical and also the geographical of an urban area and are separated from other such centre by a means of much greater area of thinly settles land.
      Also the residents of places are normally although not wholly engaged in an agricultural occupation. Thus urban areas have important functions connected with those manufacturing and service activities which are performed from centralized locations. This would cover the case of an urban area whose functions were primarily the provision of services for the surrounding agricultural area.
      Furthermore, throughout this and also through the following part of this project, term urban area city and town are use to mean the surrounding.
      ii.    PROPERTY: - the things that someone owns a building a piece of land or both together use especially by lawyers, estate agents and other related fields. There are four types of property
      i.    Commercial property
      ii.    Residential property
      iii.    Industrial property
      iv.    Recreational property
      iii.    DEVELOPMENT: - This is the process of producing or creating new or more advanced.
      iv.    RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY: Are building constructed to locate for shelter (i.e. to living) for both man and animal, after the day work. There are many various types of residential property. These include:
      i.    Flat
      ii.    Duplex
      iii.    Bungalow
      iv.    Treatment house
      v.    Terrace house
      vi.    Mansionate etc
      v.    FLAT: Flat is a set of rooms on one floor, within kitchen and bathroom, in a large building or block.
      vi.    DUPLEX: Is a building divided into two separate home, a flat apartment within rooms on two floor.
      vii.    BUNGALOW: Bungalow is a house built all on one level, without stairs. (In some Asian countries) a large house, sometimes on more than one level that is not joined to another house on either side.
      viii.    TENEMENT HOUSE: Is a large building divided into flats apartment, especially in a poor area of a city.
      ix.    TERRACE HOUSE: Terrace house is a house that is one of a row of house that joined together on each side.
      x.    MASIONATE: Mansionate is a large impressive house is also used in the names of block of flat.
      xi.    URBAN GROWTH: Urban growth is in doubt associated with some inherit problem which calls for an effective control that will serve as a guide to uplift the living standard of the citizen.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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