• An Evaluation Of Abandoned Housing Projecets In Kwara State

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.0      Background To The Study
      1.1     Introduction
          Abandonment of housing projects is considered one of the most common and serious problems facing omu-aran town, Kwara state. It affects not only the immediate purchaser but also other projects players and the general public.  Sometimes it involves expending public fund to revive abandoned housing projects. (Bavani, 2009)
                  The unceasing abandonment of development housing  projects is so shocking in the developing town such as that omu-aran town, Kwara state has remained one of the town in such difficulty, therefore, the significance that the incessant abandonment of projects would bring several effects on real properties and it’s values and the economy can not be overemphasized since some of the development projects provide the basic services that should enhance the real properties developed. The abandonment of development project is the act of discounting or any discontinuing any activities or maintenance works on such development project within a time frame of the contract agreement and with no intention of returning back to the development while reflecting on property development projects suggests that it is when the owner or developer is ceasing to provide the required maintenance management to a development or a developed property.
                   A project may be abandoned at any stage of the life cycle and incur significant amount of loss.  For a housing projects, the ministryof housing and local government considers tat is has been abandoned if,
      i.    There has been no substantial activity on site for six (6) consecutive months.
      ii.    It is involved in a winding up petition registered at the town planning authority.
              A real property developed project (housing estate or building) though amongst the development projects, whether it be tangible or intangible should be capable of having values, as well as having the right of possession, it must be noted that all the construction projects are completed on time or ahead of schedule. It is also not uncommon for construction projects to be delayed, or in the worst scenario even abandon due to various reasons aforementioned. Although, development projects are temporary endeavors undertaken to create a unique product and services with a define beginning and ending date (Gardner, 2005). The accomplishment of such purposes should be realized at least times otherwise needless of such development (Gardner 2005).
       The causes and effects of the development projects abandonment are not just peculiar to a reason rather cut across several reasons (Ayodele  and Alabi, 2011) and as well as creating a total dwindling effect on the values of developed properties located close and within the vicinity.  The expected prominence of any earmarked development projects is to be completed, while at the same time, adding values to built environment aesthetic.
          However, real property development projects being a capital intensive undertaking should be critically analyzed to ascertain its feasibility and viability before embarking on it. But on several occasions and had been observed governments, contractors and agencies have abandoned development projects mid-way into construction and completion.
      Therefore, the study purpose is to investigate and evaluate the causes and effects of development housing project abandonment. Hence the objectives of this study is to; Identify the abandoned houses projects within the study area, to identify the causes of abandoned housing projects and to determine the effects of abandonment of within the study area. There is need for a research that will investigate the causes of abandoned construction projects and this can be acquired from questionnaire, survey, semi-structured interview involving the key players  ( I.eDevelopers, contractors and consultants)  covering housing projects.  This will allow for more comprehensive view of the problem of abandoned project in omu-aran town.
      1.2    Statement Of The Problems
                  Concerning the production of housing in omu-aran, the private developers have been allocated development areas which have been identified by the local government authorities for housing development. The allocation for housing development by the local government authorities is made via development plans, such as structural plans or local plans. This means that land supply for housing development in omu-aran has been allocated the local authority, and developers initially have to select on site which has been allocated for housing.
                  Therefore, the developers have to study the market before making a decision on any housing development and have to select a suitable site within the area which has been allocated.
          Nevertheless, the existence of abandoned housing projects in omu-aran where the homebuyers have suffered and has jeopardized the housing industry and contributed to the housing industry problem. One can see that the existence of abandoned housing problems should be considered seriously. These problems may also influence the housing stock available in the market, thus affecting the supply.
          The existence of abandoned housing projects could affect the credibility of the relevant authority that is involved in giving approval for housing development.
      For this reason, this research will evaluate the abandonment of housing problems, specially the causes of abandoned housing projects in omu-aran town, Kwara state.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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