• An Evaluation Of Abandoned Housing Projecets In Kwara State

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    • 1.3    Aim And Objectives
      The aim of this study is to focus on the causes of abandoned housing projects in Kwara state, a case study of omu-aran town.  In achieving aimof the study, the following objectives are;
      i.    To identify the abandoned housing projects within the study area.
      ii.    To identify the causes of abandoned housing projects.
      iii.    To determine the effects of projects abandonment within the study area.
      1.4        Significance Of The Study
                 First, the study will made a significant contributionto the body of knowledge in the area of the building industry in omu-aran town, Kwara state.
                  Secondly, this study will prove valuable in providing a better understanding if the issue to the private developers and to the government agencies, and thereby by further contribute to the literature in relation to comparative house building industry.
      Thirdly, the findings of the study will be useful for giving guidance in developing a model that could explain the real determinants of the causes of abandoned housing projects to the developers and to the government agencies that are involved in the building industry. This model will be helpful in providing reliable forecast of the factors that causes the project to be abandoned, this would then aid planning to prevent housing development being abandoned.
          Finally, this study has produced significant policy recommendations for the private developers and government agencies which could help the problem of abandoned housing projects in omu-aran in the future.
      1.5       Scope Of The Study
      This study concentrates and restricted on the abandoned housing projects in omu-aran town, Kwara state. The research work covers both the private and the public building sectors. It seeks to evaluate the abandoned housing projects in omu-aran, kwara state.
      1.6           Limitation Of The Study
      It is not easy to achieve a high response from the failure developers, compared with that from successful developers. However, the response rate from this group is considered significant for the purposes of this study, despite that it was not easy to prove such findings, which are related to fraudulent claims and weakness of government agencies although these findings disclosed the reality of the problems related to housing abandonment. It should also be acknowledge that, although the findings of this research are remarkable and useful towards the understanding of the perception of the developers on the issues of housing abandonment, they are based on study of relatively small number of failures, developerscompared with the numbers of successful developers.
                    Some factors really limit the coverage of this study among which are;
      i.    Time allowed for this research work is too small for the wide relevant topic of this nature.
      ii.    Scarcity of relevant test also limits the extent of this literature review on the subject topic.
      iii.    The cost of revisiting the case study area also serves as a problem.
      1.7    Historical Background Of The Study Area
      Omu-aran is the most populous and largest town in igbomina land of kwara state. The town was originally called “OMU” but was later changed to omu-aran, about 1,400 people moved finally to the present site.  The name “omu” derived from omutoto, the woman whose children established the first settlement at odoomu between the 13th and 14thcentury. Indeed, it was largely in recognition ofomu-aran historical importance, in igbomina land that the town was choosed as the head quarter of the former igbomina, ekiti local government authority in 1968.
          It was also became the head quarter of irepodun local government area when the former igbominaekiti local government was split into 2 on the 24th of August 1976. The people speak igbomina dialect or Yoruba language and their costumes are in many ways similarly to those of the other Yorubas.
      Their occupation was largely influence by the vegetation of the area. Though,they are predominantly farmers, producing such crops as yams, maize, guinea corn,  cassava, beans and vegetables for consumption while the colanut, palm products, Cocoa  and coffee in very small quantities are economics crops.  
          Omu-aran is a famous in handicrafts such as basket making,  blacksmithing, carving, dying clothes, weaving, wood carving and poultry.
                 Omu-aran is a town located in the southern part of Kwara state, Nigeria. Named after the first ruler “OlomuAperan “ . Aperan was a prince from Ile-ife, who moved from ile-ife to form odoomuand igbomina land, about 500years ago, omu-aran is the capital of irepodun local government.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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