• An Evaluation Of Abandoned Housing Projecets In Kwara State

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    •  The local government was created as igbomina /ekiti division in 1968,which later metamorphosed in to the irepodun local government area in 1976, as a result of 1976 local government reformed. Omu-aran remain the seat of power with eleven word and six offices for administrative services. It is shares boundary with ifelodun local government area to the north, Osun state to the south respectively. Irepodun has an estimated population of about 148,610 people according to 2006  population census and land mass 1,095 square kilometers. It is endowed with Savannah and rain forest vegetation on plain terrain with patches of rivers and streams.
      1.8       Definition Of Terms
      This is the act of discontinuing anyactivities or maintenance works on any project within the time frame of the contract agreement and with no intention of returning back to the work.  (Wikipedia 2017)
      Development is the process of converting land to a new purpose by constructing buildings or making use of its resources, development mean the process of carrying out construction work which are associated with a change intensity to the use of land or with the re-establishing of existing use. (Webster international dictionary, 2010)
      Evaluation is a systematic and objectives assessment of an ongoing or completed project, programme or policy, its design implementation and fulfilment of objectives, effectiveness, impact and sustainability. (UNEG 2017)
      This is a building or structure that individuals and their family may live in that meets certain federal regulations.  It is anything that covers, protects or supports another thing. (Business dictionary 2017)
      Housing Project
      A publicly built and operated housing development usually intends for low or moderate income tenants, seniorcitizen etc.  ( Dictionary.com 2017)
      A project is defined as a temporary endeavor with a beginning and end it must be used to create a unique product, service or result and it is a progressively elaborated. (project management body of knowledge, 3rd edition 2016)
      This is land or building that is owned or possessedby a person or  particular individual.  (Oxford dictionary 2017)

      Property Development
      Property development includes a range of activities from the purchase of land, development of facilities and buildings to meet customers’ requirements.  It is also includes either sale or lease of the land of properties on completion. Developers generally coordinate the activities converting plans, needs and ideas into property.  (Goodman 2017)

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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