• The Problem Associated With Rural Housing Finance
    [A case study of Alapa town, Ilorin East Asa Local Government Area]

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          Can be describe as the science of money management a key point of finance is time value of money which states that purchasing power of one unit currency can vary over time. Berezin (2005).
          Is a field that deals with the allocation of assets and liabilities over time under condition of certainty and uncertainty.
          According to Omole (2004) houses are apartments or accommodation erected for people to live in, usually for families lodgers.
          Akomolede (2001) stated that housing is one of the basic necessities of life and the quality of housing produced is as important as the number produced in sowing like problems.
          Akeju (2007), stated that housing finance could be regarded as the various strategist of bringing house to the affordable level of the people in a particular state or country.
          These are located in the rural areas and they are usually characterized by simplicity of design and use of local building materials such as mud raffia palm, bamboo and wood. In the context of the most developing countries, rural housing is characterized by absence of adequate services such as pipe born water and sanitary facilities Agboola, (2003).

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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