• Challenges And Prospect Of Property Re-development

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    • 1.2    AIM
      To examine the challenges and prospect of within the redevelopment property in the study area
      1.2    OBJECTIVE
      i.    To identify the properties under redevelopment on the case study
      ii.    To know the stage of the properties  under
      iii.    To examine the prospect of  the  properties redevelopment
      iv.    To examine the challenge involve in the redevelopment
      1.3    SCOPE OF STUDY
      The scope of this study is within the mainframe of the factors that affect the redevelopment of building in some eminent places like muritala moh’d way, taiwo road, unit road and lagos road in ilorin.
      The study entails some importance which building professional developers and non professionals, but ideal with land and buildings.
      This dissertation will be found useful to both private and public property developer. even individuals who wish or intend to developer or develop their obsolete properties (building ) will be exposed to the ways by which these could be carried out financially, physically, politically, and aim of .
      in spite of fact that the aim of the study is to analyse the challenges of restructuring of house. the study could so be found useful to the properties investors as the redevelopment of a building improves and increase the aesthetic and rental value of the building respectively. as such more return or yield is realized.
      furthermore, in the carrying out of a particular area (i.e. in urban renewal) based on this study will enhancers organization and beautification of the area.
          Ilorin was founded by one ojo-isekuse 19600-1700.
          The name ilorin was derived form ojo isekuse compound now oke-lele area of ilorin. it was on this stone that ojo isekuse used to sharper his hunting implement e.g. cutlass and arrows hence ilorin the sharpening ilorin is essentially a yoruba through people by many ethnic group such as yoruba, hausa, fulani, nupe, kanuri etc they all merged together and made the party a unique of ilorin identifies.
          The ruler of arty and its environment (the ilorin emirate) are of fulani crisis through the royal houses has been yourbanized thoroughly.
          Those who are far from the arty made the mistake of thinking that the various ethnic groups which focus together to make up ilorin are separate and antagomatic towards one another. the indigenes guard the ilorin heritage jealously. ilorin is located at latitude 80 301 ns and longitude 40 351 et lies in their plan of south western part of Nigeria. The arty which lies along lagos kaduna highway is 306km form lagos 600 kilometers from kaduna about 300 kilometer form abuja.
      The main rive is asa river, it occupies a frontally wide valley and flow in south north direction the river divided in ilorin into two party western part representing the come of indigenous area of ilorin and eastern part of representing the area where the government reservation area (gra) is located towards the north of the western part is an isolated hill called sobi hill. the hill is about three hundred and ninety four (384) feet high above sea level.
      Ilorin has a tropical and dry climate it has mean annual rainfall of about 1318 which begins in april and ends in november, it has a populated of 742, 090.
      the area of study in this, projects are government reservation area (gra) and ibrahim taiwo road the former is an extensive area to the north east of ilorin was acquired for government use by the id colonial administration in the easily office part off the 20th century government office and scattered residential house were constructed their many of the british colonial officer and their nigerian counterpart hires in the area.
      At independence in 1960 many more nigerian moved into gra, and later, large plot of land area were allocated to the elite class and they built there some built house for renting.
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