• Comparative Analysis On The Impact Of Infrastructural Facilities On The Value Of Properties
    [A case study of Itakudimoh and Fate area]

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • 1.4   SCOPE OF STUDY
          The study is being limited to some areas in Fate and Itakudimoh i.e. from kwara shopping mall to area in fate and after pakata secondary school to the central mosque in itakudimoh. Where properties are selected at random for the purpose of this research work and a comparative analysis is carried out on the impact of infrastructural facilities on the value of properties in both areas. 
          In carrying out this study, it is not exempted from the normal difficulties encountered in this kind of research work these include:
      1    There are difficulties in the administration and collection of information, where some people refuse to disclose information or even collect the questionnaire.
      2    Lack of funds and financial constraints is also a problem encountered on transportation cost, typing of questionnaires and other factors like nature, economic hardship.
      3    Some estate firms also refused to disclose some information on properties in the study area which they considered to be secret to them.
      4    The time limit with which to undertake this research work is another limitation, because some of the respondent will delay information to be supplied.
      1.6   STUDY AREA
          Ilorin is the present capital of capital Kwara state in the north central region of the federal republic of Nigeria. It is a pre-dominantly Islamic city with people of diverse culture who have come together to live as one in peace and harmony. The entire Ilorin community comprises of five local government areas namely, Ilorin west, Ilorin south, Ilorin east, Asa and more local government.
          Ilorin has a population of about 814,192 people and the geographical co-ordinations of Ilorin are latitude of 8.5 degrees north, longitude of 4.55 degrees east and elevation of 290metres.
          Ilorin community was discovered in the 18th century by the Duo of Afonja, Ara-onakakanfo, a Yoruba warlord and Sheik Alimi an Islamic scholar. These heroes arrives Ilorin at different times and different circumstances.
          Sheik Alimi was an Islamic missionary propagating Islam and its teaching across the land. He was temporarily settled at Kuwo village very close to Ilorin where he built mosque and houses. He continued to explore other territories to spread his belief and settle down permanently.
          During his course, he discovered a river flow through villages and he sought to know the origin, It was river Asabuh known as Asa River today in Ilorin. He later settled down at a homlet within the vicinity of the river which was occupied by Fulanis. The kinsman was known as Gaa-Fulani and was headed by Olufadi. Other hamlets around was Idiape, Okesuna, Gambari, which also have their heads.
          Sheik Alimi and Afonja fought many wars together internally and externally which later made them suspicious of each other and eventually leads to confrontation, where Sheik Alimi defeated Afonja. After the defeat Sheik Alimi extended hand of friendship to other hamlets nearby for a larger community with a common belief, which he headed. The community is known today as “ILORIN”. The city was named after the major meeting point of the people as a testimony of the unity of the people.
      Source: www.ilorin.org
      1.    INFRASTRUCTURAL FACILITIES: Donald (1971) defined infrastructure as the basic facilities and services essential to both rural and urban society and to economic and social developments. These are the essential physical structure and facilities that are developed, acquired or provided by the government to the public.
      The basic structures, services and facilities necessary for an area or locality to perform efficiently is known as infrastructure, Jeffery (2009) these includes roads, streets, bridges, transportations, health services, education, water supply, power supply, telecommunication, waste disposal e.t.c.
      2.    VALUE: The word “value” means different thing to different people and different professions. The Oxford Advanced Learner English Dictionary defines value as the worth of something in terms of money or of the goods for which it can be exchanged or quality of being useful
      Akogun (2006) with respect to real estate defines value as the worth of an interest in land and building or claims on chattel assessed by appropriate method of valuation.
      3.    ECONMIC INFRASTRUCTURE:      Business dictionary explains economic infrastructure as an internal facilities of a country that makes business activities possible such as communication, transportation, distribution networks, financial institution, market and energy supply system
      4.    SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE:     Schubeler (1996) buttressed that social infrastructure are those facilities which helps individual of a society to learn and accommodate other social activities or services e.g. health, education, recreation and cultural facilities.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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