Influence Of Child Abuse On The Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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1.2 Statement of Problem
(2009) stated that the school can do a lot of things about child abuse
since it has a way of affecting the school system. The problem of child
abuse have long been existing in Nigeria, and have even become more even
devastating to the society has whole. That history of child abuse in
BarigaLocal Government Area of Lagos State is as old as the persistence
of the phenomenon in Lagos itself cannot be overemphasized. Children
suffered all forms of abuse ranging from child battering, child labour,
child abandonment, neglect, teenage prostitution, early marriage and
forced marriage. And in most cases, the parents are even at the centre
of the root cause of all these social maltreatment. The school though,
as an agent of socialization portends to have a strong and overwhelming
influence on the development of the child, but observation has shown
that these essence of education could probably be defeated if the
children are made to continually suffer the pains of child labour
(Martins 2010). This study however, centers on the extent to which the
school has been involved in its attempt to develop the child within the
social context of child abuse. And It is in the light of these, that the
study attempts to unravel the major causes of child abuse and how it
affects the child’s educational performance.
1.3 Purpose of Study
research project has its main objectives the problem of finding out the
effect of child abuse on the academic performance of secondary school
student in Bariga Local Government Area of Lagos State. Moreover, this
research study sets:
1. To examine the causes of child abuse in Bariga Local Government Area
2. To determine the effect of child abuse on child’s educational performance in Bariga Local Government Area
3. To examine the consequences of child abuse on child’s academic performance.
4. To determine possible solutions to child abuse among secondary school students.
1.4 Research Questions.
1. What are the causes of child abuse in Bariga Local Government Area?
2. What are the effects of child abuse in child’s educational performance?
3. Does child abuse lead students to indulge in anti social activities and make them venerable to social maltreatment
4. How can the problem of child abuse be solved in our society?
1.5 Significance of the Study
study is to provide parents and school administrators with an insight
into how much damage child abuse and especially hawking after school can
have on the academic development of student in general. This study is
significant as the findings will be beneficial to parents, guardians,
teachers, school heads and all other stakeholders in the educational
sector, as they will be better enlightened on the problems associated
with child abuse. Such knowledge may curtail any further action of
exploiting the child especially been used as object of raising family
economy. Hawking no doubt expose the child to many social vices, thus
the fact that the study attempts to create a model for proper upbringing
of the child in the society makes it justifiable.
1.6 Delimitation/Scope of study
study laid emphasis on the effect of child abuse and how it affects the
academic performance of the child using secondary schools in Bariga
Local Government Area as case study.
1.7 Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined for the essence of this work:
1. Child Abuse: harsh or ill treatment melted on any child; it could be by physical pre emotional means.
2. Physical Abuse: any form of corporal punishment melted on a child by his parent, teacher or guardian.
3. Neglect: paying no attention, not given enough care, to leave undone what need to be done.
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project work focuses on the effects of child abuse on students’ academic performance. The study attempts to unravel the causes, effects and remedies to child abuse among secondary school students in Lagos State. It was carried out in Bariga Local Government Area of Lagos State. A sample of 100 was randomly drawn from selected secondary schools in the local government and questionnaires were administered to the respondents. The mean percentage test, which was adopted in the study†... Continue reading---