A Comparative Study Of The Attitude Of Students Towards Abortion: An Implication For Counselling
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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For a very long time now, both the young and old have taken abortion issue with great concern, whether the person is literate or illiterate in our society or not. A lot of cries and lives have risen about abortion in very many distinguished scholars and educators have done a lot researching on issues relating to abortion, despite all done by these resource personnel, it is disheartening and highly regrettable to note that people still have crude attitude towards abortion.
In modern age of ours, people still get upset and feel shy sometimes at the mere mention of the word ‘abortion’ Also, most student are still ignorant about abortion related issues. As a result of this crude attitude towards abortion, more harm have been done than good to many innocent souls whose lives would have been saved if the right steps and attitudes had been taken at the appropriate time to savage such situation.
Due to this short coming, the investigator decided or rather feel compelled to the study of the attitude of student in College of Education towards abortion. Implication for sex education, it is therefore, the hope of the write that in the course of study, the facts and information put together would help immense college students and those of institution of higher learning. This is turn transcend to members of the society at large to liberate their minds thereby developing the right attitudes and practice towards abortion, it is only through this we can help our students in institution and others, mostly members of the public to reduce the speedy ware of abortion.
This study mainly aimed at finding out clearly the attitudes of College of Education towards abortion. The study aimed at finding clear term what and how students who are in college in both rural and urban areas feel about abortion. In specific terms, this study seek to:
Establish the general attitude of College of Education both in rural and urban school towards abortion.
Determined the motives behinds our student both in rural and urban colleges going for an abortion.
Find out whether or not, such factor such as incest, religion, economic, viability, and other traditional belief influence students attitude towards abortion
Determine whether the sex of college students and their level of education influence the way they feel and react towards issues bothering on abortion
Ascertain whether location, be it rural or urban, has any influence or effect on College students attitude towards abortion
CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]
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ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This purpose of this study was to find out comparatively the attitude of college students towards abortion and the implication of counselling. This was done on the basis of location and the investigator was to find out how college students who attend colleges in both urban and rural areas fuel towards abortion. Specially, the study will establish whether religion, economic viability, malformation of foetus, custom, rape and geographical location influence ones attitudes towards abortion. In carr ... Continue reading---