• An Assessment Of Leadership Strategies On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      Organizational leadership strategy is a process, which allows management to be proactive rather than reactive in shaping its own future. A focused organizational leader provides and establishes visionary leadership to his organization. He understands and appreciates responsive options to the change in the management environment.
      He develops viable strategies based upon sustainable competitive advantages. A good organizational leader develops a proactive approach to strategic management, whereby management rather than just identifying and responding to change, anticipates is the bane of indigenous business organization in developing countries.
      It is therefore, expected that the findings of this study will go a long way in improving the leadership class. Leadership is the ability to persuade other to seek defined objective enthusiastically. It is human fact, which binds a group together and motivates it toward it goals, (David 2003).
      Robin, (2000) defined leadership as the ability of superiors to direct, guide and motivates people towards the attainment of given set of goals in an organization. The source of influence may be formal such as that provided by the possession of managing rank in an organization or informally outside the organization structure. Most organizational theorists agree that effective leadership is one of the most important contributors to overall organizational success.
      Thus the quality of an organization’s determining the quality of the organization itself. The natural quality of an individual in the environment in which he operate on daily events are they unfold coupled with other factors do influence his leadership pattern. Leaders are not as such born, but are in fact made. A manager may be a boss but not necessarily a leader.
      Armstrong (2001) laid out four main characteristics of transformational leadership when he discussed the
      transformational leadership of sport term’s coaches. Emphasizing ethical behavior, sharing a vision goal, improving performance through charismatic leadership and leading by example. This shows a simplified version of the components of transformational leadership provided by Bass (2001), which also has four elements intellectual stimulation, individual consideration, inspirational leadership and idealized influence. Though, many leadership researchers have argued in support of effective leadership having a positive impact on behavior with in organizations, especially transformation leadership role in improving many factors of organization.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is on the assessment of organizational Leadership Strategies on Organizational Performance. The researcher discusses the various styles of leadership adopted by different managers which are autocratic, Laissaz-faire, Participative (democratic), transitional and transformational leadership. Leadership within policing has evolved over the years in some organizations to a more participative style and yet there are still leaders who cling to an antiquated domineering style. The objecti ... Continue reading---