• An Assessment Of Leadership Strategies On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      An organization that has no good leadership is like a ship on the high sea without a captain. Resources both man and material will be bound to be wasted despite scare nature. If organization leaders are developed, economic development and growth in unending controversy as to the transferability of management principle and theories, Gonzales and Macmillan (2003), given the fact that most widely dispersed management theories and
      techniques are based on western ideology and valve systems, their uncritical transfer to developing countries has in many ways contributed to organizational inefficiency and ineffectiveness Kanungo and Iaeger (1999).
      In management, there is a consensus approach to leadership is not appropriate leadership style adopted should depend on the valves and personality of the leader the subordinate and the organization culture. The challenges of the study are to unearthen the role of culture in shaping the leadership strategies in JAMB as organizational leaders in educational institute in Nigeria and their admission into various tertiary institutes.
      In this sense, the joint admission and matriculation board (JAMB) lack the performance imperative in which the researcher highlight that can be construed as representing a cluster of defined discretionary problems or obligations requiring collective action for organizational success. For example, the nature and rate of technical change can pose a number of challenges to organizational leaders, how information is to be gathered and distributed, how to interpret the resulting flood of data, and how to gain comp active advantages from technological advances in both production and human resources system are just a few of these. In the same way, financial imperative challenges executive’s decisions.
      Senior staffing imperatives follow these challenges as executives strive to create the right human resources combination for their strategic choices. Thus a functional or social problem solving perspective of leadership is necessarily grounded in a contextual framework that present fundamental performance imperatives demanding organizational choices. The researcher intends to find out the assessment of organizational leadership strategies on organization changes in JAMB office Kaduna.
      The general purpose of the study is to assess the contribution of organizational leadership strategies and how its influence organization changes. The specifics objectives of the study are:
      -         To identify the various6 types of leadership strategies adopted by managers.
      -         To ascertain the environment forces influencing the adoption of such strategies.
      -         To determine the predominant leadership strategic adopted by manager.
      -         To determine the efficiency of such strategies in achieving organizational objective in these organization.
      -         To support alternative where necessary to improve leadership effectiveness.
      Assessing and militates against effective of organizational growth and develop model for predicting the future organizational leadership strategies need on organization changes.
      The following research questions are also relevant to this study:
      -         What are the various types of leadership strategies adapted by managers?
      -         Is there any] predominant leadership strategies adopted by managers?
      -         What are the environmental force which influence the adoption of such strategies?
      -         Is there any efficiency of such strategies in achieving organizational objectives in this organization?
      -         What are the support alternative strategies where necessary to improve leadership effectiveness?

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is on the assessment of organizational Leadership Strategies on Organizational Performance. The researcher discusses the various styles of leadership adopted by different managers which are autocratic, Laissaz-faire, Participative (democratic), transitional and transformational leadership. Leadership within policing has evolved over the years in some organizations to a more participative style and yet there are still leaders who cling to an antiquated domineering style. The objecti ... Continue reading---