• An Assessment Of Leadership Strategies On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      The study of organizational leadership strategies on organization changes sees to be important both from the theoretical and practical perspective. The cause of organizational collapse might have wrong leadership strategies, poor implementation of strategies, wrong leadership styles and other elements. This study will assist to enhance the understanding of organizational leadership strategies on environment as influence factor in organization changes. the result could be used as a guide for existing organization to adopt in order to survive and sustain growth.
      Therefore, this study can help managers to correctly adopt leadership strategies for decision making which can be used to achieve, control and coordinate their activities more effectively in any organization.
      This study is intended to cover the assessment of organization leadership strategies on origination changes in joint Admission   Matriculation Board (JAMB) Kaduna. This study is also constrained in terms of time, finance and logistics. Also lack of cooperation from the staff and most importantly, lack of encouragement by the management of the organization.
      Organizational effectiveness was succinctly defined by Daff (1999) as “the degree to which an organization realized its goals”. Organizations pursue multiple goals and such must be achieved in the face of competition limited resources, and disagreement among interest groups.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is on the assessment of organizational Leadership Strategies on Organizational Performance. The researcher discusses the various styles of leadership adopted by different managers which are autocratic, Laissaz-faire, Participative (democratic), transitional and transformational leadership. Leadership within policing has evolved over the years in some organizations to a more participative style and yet there are still leaders who cling to an antiquated domineering style. The objecti ... Continue reading---