• The Effect Of Team Work On Organizational Productivity

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • Poor Leadership Styles in the Organization: It may be as a result of the leadership style of the organization possibly not favorable to teamwork.
      Poor Leadership of the Work Teams: Different work teams may exist, but lacking the persons with the team leading acumen to lead them.
      Lack of Motivation of the Workforce: The way in which organizations reward their workforce may also lead to low organizational productivity even when their staff work in teams.
      Prevailing Conditions that hinder growth in an Organization: The conditions permanently occurring in an organization (lack of picking-up of innovative ideas) like the absence of designing motivational programs, educational growth, bonuses, job rotation and the use of old technologies, etc,  may be the cause of low organizational productivity.
      The general objective of this study is to investigate the contributions of teamwork on organizational productivity. The specific objectives of this study are as listed below:
      To find out the effect of teamwork on  organizational productivity.
      To investigate the ways leadership styles used by the organizations affect organizational productivity.
      To find out the effect of poor leadership on work teams leadership.
      To investigate the benefits of motivation to the workforce.
      For the purpose of this research, the following research questions were formulated to guide this study:
      In what ways does teamwork affect on organizational productivity?
      In what ways does leadership style of an organization affect teamwork?
      In what ways does team’s poor leadership style affect their output?
      What are the benefits of motivation on organizational productivity?

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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