• Human Resource Management As A Tool For Minimizing Industrial Conflict

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      Not many organizations consider the importance for a well defined and sustainable ways of combating conflict in the organization in order to reduce function in the work place and to enhance smooth movement or functioning of the human factor  of production. The Nigeria Port Authority is not left out in these trends of things. Internal and external conflict in the Port Authority has caused a lot of problems ranging from strike, redundancy, and low productivity and ineffectiveness as a result of incessant break out of conflict among workers in the Port Authority. Owing to the fact that there are no strategies, planning and policies put in place to checkmate the activities of workers in the work place. Also the work relationships that exist among employees of the Nigeria Port Authority is not cordial due to conflict which has created bad bloods, fear and undue pressure.

      The Nigeria Port Authority is on the verge of crumbling, hence human resource management can be employed to solve these identified problems in the Nigeria Port Authority Calabar. It is in view of this that the research considers this topic: Human Resource Management as a tool for minimizing individual conflict with particular reference to Nigeria Port Authority.


      1. Are the employees of Nigeria Port Authority Calabar satisfied with the quality of work relationship? 

      2. Are the employees of Nigeria Port Authority Calabar satisfied with the procedures of conflict resolution?

      3. Are there plans for conflict management?

      4. How is the working relationship between Nigeria Port Authority and other firms?

      5. Has conflict affected the productivity of the Nigeria Port Authority Calabar?


      1. To conduct an empirical investigation through a review of the human resource management (HRM) and industrial conflict resolution in the Nigeria Port Authority Calabar.

      2. To establish a relationship between human resource management and minimizing industrial conflict.

      3. To highlight the need for human resource management

      4. To access the impact of minimizing industrial conflict on the overall productivity of Nigeria Port Authority Calabar.

      5. To suggest ways of solving the identified problems.


      The testable hypotheses of this research study are the following:

      Ho: There is no direct relationship between human resource management and minimizing industrial conflict.

      Hi: There is direct relationship between human resource management and minimizing industrial conflict.

      Ho: Lack of adequate industrial conflict resolution is not directly responsible for low labour turnover.

      Hi: Lack of adequate industrial conflict resolution is directly responsible for low labour turnover.

      Ho: Human Resource Management does not ensure productivity

      Hi: Human Resources Management ensures productivity.


      Sea faring services constitutes the back one of a nation’s economy like Niger, no wonder it is one of the most active sector. It is upon this premise that government monitors the activities of the Port Authority and provides necessary infrastructures for optimum service delivery to the public. In-spite of all efforts geared towards improving the services of the Nigeria Port Authority; there are some doubts as to the quality of service rendered by the Port Authority to its customers in particular and nation in general. It is in light of this that the research through the work intends to look into factors militating against Nigeria Port Authority Calabar in achieving its set objectives by this the study will look into the human resource management and effective industrial conflict resolution in the Nigeria Port Authority and asses their suitability with the aim of developing conflict resolution strategy to enhance the workers relationship in the work environment. The importance of reducing conflict in the industry should not be over emphasized especially due to the fact that it will reduce the quality and standard of the industry thereby resulting in low productivity and service delivery. For the management of Nigeria Port Authority Calabar, the benefit of minimizing industrial conflict through human resource management is that it will boost good employee’s relationship in the work place which in turn will  have bearing on the overall service delivery.


      Nigeria Port Authority Calabar was selected for this study, ad the research work was also limited to the employees of the Nigeria Port Authority. The problems that the researcher encountered was that some officers were either too busy for interview or cleverly avoided certain questions for the fear that the information given might put their job in jeopardy. Those who respond to questions tends to make their answers to reflect what ought to be rather than what it is. This undoubtedly affected the quality and accuracy of information collected during the study. A lot of finance was also required in making this project a reality, thus, the researcher was faced with the problem of finance and time. This difficulty not withstanding the project was effectively carried out to meet the desired standard.


      a. Human Resource: This is the manpower of a business concern, these include unskilled, supervisory and management staff of a company or firm.

      b. Planning: Setting objective and goals and deciding on the best way of achieving them.

      c. Empirical: Of people or method guided only by practical experience rather than by scientific ideas.

      d. Human Resource Management: Is the process of managing the organizational workplace or human resources.

      e. Management: Management is the process of forming a strategic vision, setting objective, crafting a strategy and then implementing and executing the strategy.

      f. Conflict: Conflict is essentially a situation of disagreement between two parties over an issue. It stems from unresolved grievance of individual or group of workers against other individual or the management.

      g. Resolution: Is finding solutions to disagreement or grievances between individuals or groups.

      h. Industrial Conflict: Industrial conflict is the situation where dispute and disagreement arise between employees and employers over matters related to the working conditions.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study was undertaken to investigate Human Resource management as a tool for minimizing industrial conflict with particular reference to Nigeria Port Authority Calabar. The sampling technique was simple random to represent the entire population of 50. In an attempt to achieve this objective, research questions were formulated and simple questionnaire were given. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted to ascertain its relevance to the subject matter. Based on findings re commendatio ... Continue reading---


      TABLE OF CONTENTS - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]Cover pageTitle pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgementAbstractTable of contentsCHAPTER ONE: GENERAL INTRODUCTION1.0 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Statement of the Problem1.3 Research Questions1.4 Objectives of the Study1.5 Research Hypotheses1.6 Significance of the Study1.7 Limitation of the Study1.8 Definition of TermsCHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF REALTED LITERATURE2.1 Introduction2.2 Theoretical Framework2.3 Definition of Management and Human Resources2.4 Industrial Conflict2.5 Caus ... Continue reading---