• Evaluation Of Manpower Development Policies In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.3 Purpose of the Study
      The main purpose of the study is to evaluate manpower development policies in Nigeria Defence Academy goal. However, the specific purpose of this study.
      Â To find out manpower policies in Nigerian Defence Academy
      To find out the impact of staff development in Nigerian defence academy
      To find out the area of discontentment of manpower policies in Nigeria Defence academy
      To find the implantation evaluation of manpower policies in NDA
      To investigate the impact of manpower development police of
      1.4  Research Question
      1. What are the existing manpower policies in Nigerian Defence academy?
      2.  What are the area of discontentment of manpower policies in Nigerian Defence Academy?
      3.  What are the evaluation for implementing manpower Development in Nigerian Defence Academy?
      4. In what way do manpower development policies of NDA impact on their staff
      5. hat are the conditions of staff development policy in Nigerian Defence Academy?
      1.5 Significance of The Study
      The aim of the study was to identify the evaluation for improving manpower development policies the study would be significant to the following:
      Organisation understudy: First the research is hoped to give Nigerian Defence academy insight on the importance of adopting good evaluation for improving manpower development policies as it enhance and improve the image of the organisation.
      Employees: With increase on skills, knowledge and attitude employees are not only more valuable to the organisation but they are worth themselves, and it would enable employees to be much more productive and remake performance deficiencies whether current or anticipated ones.
      Organisations: The result of this research would help Nigerian Defence academy to realize the need to develop their employees. It would also help the management in fashioning development programs that are very relevant to their organisation and at the end justify the effort and means invested in such programme.
      Future researcher: The researcher in the filed can use it as a guild to develop and establish from ideas that would bring about development in the future researcher effort.
      General Public: It is also hoped that this research finding would provides better insights can understanding on the part of the public about the possible evaluation for improving manpower development policies in the attainment of organizational goal.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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