• Personnel Appraisal In A Routinized Management System In A University

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              The problem of the study is whether personnel appraisal make the employee’s to put in their best in order to increase production and good rendering of services in an organization. In service sector for example rampart change of weak performance in very high among workers and there are many factors that contributed to this trend. Some of them are lack of information and skills for proper appraisal of employees. This has caused harm to the growth and development of management system in Nigeria.
              Another problem is that some managers or personnel to follow the due process or procedure, when they are appraising the employees. They judge employees base on their personnel perception, they have employee’s who have caused harm to the organization.
              This project is also directed at providing solution to improve and encourage proper personnel appraisal in management system in Nigeria, precisely university of Benin, Benin City, Edo state.
      The primary objective of this study is examinational cum determination of the effect of personnel appraisal in a routinised management system in Nigeria particularly emphasis on university of Benin, Edo state.
              The onus of this examination lies on the fact that personnel appraisal is very useful in management system in Nigeria especially the above tertiary institution mentioned for development planning as well as source of reference for further ideological endeavour for today’s generation and our good children yet unborn who might wish to narrow the spectrum of ignorance and widening that of knowledge in this area of study.
      These are some of the objectives:
      1.          To identify the relationship between personnel appraisal and employee’s performance.
      2.          To examine the usefulness of employee’s performance appraisal in an organization.
      3.          to determine if there is need adapting the use of management by objective (MBO) techniques in employee’s performance appraisal.
      4.          To examine the role of personnel management in achieving organizational goal by utilizing employee’s performance appraisal.
      The following research question where develop by the researcher.
      1.          Is there any relationship between personnel appraisal and employee’s performance?
      2.          What are the usefulness of employee’s performance appraisal in an organization?
      3.          Is there any need of adapting management by objective (MBO) techniques in appraising employee’s performance?
      4.          Does personnel management effectively utilizes employee’s performance in achieving organizational?
      1.5   SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      The research work is delimited in scope to include only the selected institution, university of Benin, Benin City, Edo state. Nigeria respectively, which the study intended to cover the personnel appraisal in routinized management system, in the university of Benin, Benin city, Edo state.
      Considering the research topic which is personnel appraisal in a routinized management system in Nigeria. The following groups of people could derive great benefit from it. The management in all employment cadre would be enlightened in the role expected on them in ensuring proper personnel appraisal and achieving the organizational goal. Secondly, this could expose the differences of practicing personnel appraisal to lecture in higher institution of learning, with the hope or correcting potential practitioner in the field before they go to the practice again. The outcome of the research would spurs organization with our proper appraises of performance in management to make adjustment.
              Finally would benefit future researcher on some topic as the material would be great source of better guide to them. It will also be great benefit to an organization to know the usefulness  and functions of personnel management department in an organization.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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