• Effects Of Employees Commitment On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      1.1       INTRODUCTION
      In an era of limited resources, governments at all levels are pressured to produce maximum output with the least input. A great deal of attention has been given to a variety of Performance improvement strategies, including public-private partnership, and Balanced Score Card (BSC), in the hope that such strategies are a starting point for Performance improvement. It should be noted, however, that no Performance improvement strategy alone is perfect. As such, various strategies should be used at the same time. Since Performance improvement is a function of too many factors, ranging from top management support to feedback on budget based decisions, it is essential to be aware that all factors are equally important (Holzer & Callhan, 1998; Lee, 2000a).
      Among others, the backdrop of Performance improvement is an employee’s desire to be maximally productive. As Guy (2002) points out, “it is the people who, in the long term, control the Performance of any organization” (p.307). Even if there might be a number of reinvention efforts and top management support, unless employees at all levels are willing to improve Performance, all efforts toward Performance enhancement will come to nothing.
      Modern day Organization is  concerned  with the  analysis  and  diagnosis  of  the  factor  that determine  organizational  effectiveness,  and  the planning and delivery of programmes to increase that effectiveness. Organizations want to obtain the commitment of their employees. Management  would  like  its employees  to  identify  with  the  values,  norms and artefacts of  the organization, hence  the need for organizational culture. Management needs  to explain  and  imbibe  its  culture  in  its  employees; this will enable the employee to get familiar with the  organizational  system.  During  this  process of  explanation,  the  employee  learns  about  the organizational  culture  and  decides  whether  he can  cope  with  it  or  not. This means that each organization is a learning environment. It is the proper understanding of the organizational culture that the performance of theemployee in the organization. Performance is the extent to which an individual is carrying out assignment or task. It refers to the degree of accomplishment of the task that makes up an employee’s job (Cascio, 2006).
      Commitment has a rational element: Most people consciously decide to make commitments, then they thoughtfully plan and carry out the actions required to fulfill them (Meyer, et al, 2004).Because commitments require an investment of time as well as mental and emotional energy, most people make them with the expectation of reciprocation. That is, people assume that in exchange for their commitment, they will get something of value in return—such as favors, affection, gifts, attention, goods, money and property. From this perspective, this paper sheds light on the importance of a multidimensional view of employee commitment. This paper starts with an assumption that the previous concept of organizational commitment may not tell the whole story about individual performance and Performance. Identifying multiple foci of employee commitment beyond the organization helps explain various motivational bases among employees toward Performance improvement efforts.
      1.2       Statement of Problem
      The problem of this study bore from the fact that there is a wide discrepancy between employees’ efforts towards work and what he or she receives or get in return for that effort. In the world of work, as particularly in an organizational setting, employees and employers have traditionally made a tacit agreement: In exchange for workers’ commitment, coca cola’sgoverning bodies would provide forms of value for employees, such as secure jobs and fair compensation. But rather unfortunate, the employees irrespective of their level or ranking in Coca-cola. As a result, workers in the organization have embarked on series of protest in order protect their work conditions and improve welfare package. Reciprocity affects the intensity of a commitment. When an entity or individual to whom someone has made a commitment fails to come through with the expected exchange, the commitment erodes.This study therefore, looked into the effect of employee’s commitment on organizational Performance,a case study of staffsof the Coca-cola, Edo state.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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