• Causes Of Workers Resistance To Change In An Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      In the course of this study, the researcher encountered some problems getting respondent for the study. As for the results of the banks, it was difficult getting them fill the questionnaires, distributed to them.
      Secondly, time was not favorable in the sense that hours of lectures was sheered with collection of data for the research i.e combining class room activities with going to field to collect information for the reseated
      The fact is that a number of banks under study further compounded the problems.
      Thirdly, getting materials for the research due to the poor state of the polytechnic library. The researcher, was moving from one library to another looking for materials and articles on change.
      This further aggregate the precarious financial situation of the researcher as a student.
      Finally, getting funds to finance this study was as hill up task couple with the economic situation of the country.
      inspirit of these limiting factors, the researcher did her best to overcome, them therefore the reliability and the authoritative use of the research should not be under scored by its potential users.      
      Management: This can be operationally referred to as the higher level of deco in makers in an organization they formulate policies and procedures for achieving organization goals, is also the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing and controlling an organization, for the purpose of accomplishing, a goal.
      Planning: planning means looking ahead and checking our future courses of action to be followed. It is a preparatory, step. It is a systematic activity which determine when, how and who is going to perform a specific job. He also went on to say that planning is a detailed programme regarding future courses of action it is lightly said that “Well plan is half done”. Therefore planning takes into consideration available and prospective, human and physical resources of organization so as to get effective, co-ordination, contribution and perfect adjustment (pill and Michael zoos)   
      Organizing: Organizing plays a central role in the management process once plans are created the managers task is to see that they are carried out. Organizing is to begin the process of implementation by clarifying jobs and working relationships. It identifies who is to do what, who is in charge of whom, and how different people and parts of he organization relate to and work with one another. (Henrifayol 1949). He also said in his work that organizing, as a function of management on his classic monograph. General and industrial administration.
      Resistance to change: The adoption of innovations involves altering human behavior and the acceptance of change. There is a natural resistance to change for several reasons. He also said that effort to change inevitably beget resistance that must be confronted (ken Eisold, 2010).
      Change: Change is the utilization of basic structure and tools to control any organizational change effort. Change is so persuasive in our lives that is almost defeats description and aralysis. (kotter 1990).
      Perception of changes: perception is said to be a process by which people organize, interpret, experience being much more complete and much broader than sensation. The perceptual process involves a complicated, interaction and selection, organization and interpretation. Although perception depends largely upon the senses for raw materials. The cognitive process may filter, modify, change these materials (Luthan 1998).
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This study examines the causes of workers resistance to change in an organization it is the contention of this study that one of the ways people react to change is resistance to change in an organization. Such factor as fear of security uncertainty, threatened expertise, disruption in social relationship may make workers to resist change in an organization. The data of study are collected thought data or questionnaire and secondary sources. However the questionnaire forms are the major instrumen ... Continue reading---