• Identification Of Problems Hindering Hospitality Development

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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             Roundel et la (2007) define Hospitality as friendly and generous behaviour towards visitors and guests, intended to make them feel welcome: food, drink, room and entertainment given to customers by a company or organization. Another scholar Copper et al (1996) gave the definition of hospitality by Nailon (2011) is the combination of physiological and psychological elements with security and level of service. Hospitality is concerned with the provision of physiological comfort within define levels of service. Hotels provide meals, drinks, attraction, accommodation etc. to give general public or persons in transit especially people travelling to places where they have neither their own homes nor any relation to cater for their needs. Such persons will like to know few things about the hotels in their transitory area. In other words, the room and Euit fares, and the types of food served, the necessary comfort customers are accorded with the game available and perhaps and other especial feature that make such hotels appealing to the sojournes in transit. Hospitality industry like hotelling is a competitive business and must endeavour to identify and eating customers needs to be able to stay in business.
             The establishment of hotels and recreational centres in Nigeria has ultimately helped in the socio economic development of the country. For this development that has been as a result of the building and establishment of these hotels to be lasting, the challenges controlling the hospitality development in Nigeria has to be limited as negligence of these challenges may lead to the shutting down of the already existing ones thereby discouraging entrepreneurs from investing on profitable niche of business known as the hospitality sector of Nigeria.
             The problem of lack of the necessary infrastructure is also seriously affecting the hotel industry. The country is besieged by poor and communication system. Unreliable power supply (etc) the consequences of this infrastructure  problem in most hotels is that the telephones cannot function properly as it ought to be. In most of the big hotels, electricity supply plants were purchased and boreholes were sunk to substitute the inadequate electricity supply and irregular water supply respectively.
             This unwariably increases the expenditure in these hotels, the above and many more prompted this research on ‘identification of problems hindering hospitality development in Enugu state.
             The main objective of this research exercise is ‘identification of problems hindering hospitality development in Enugu state. The specific objectives are:
      1.  To ascertain the constraints hindering hospitality development in Enugu state.
      2.  To determine the imperative of hospitality industry development to economic growth of Enugu state.
      3.  To identify factors that can enhance growth and development of hospitality industry in Enugu state.
      4.  To proffer solutions to the problems affecting development of hospitality industry in Enugu state.
             The following questions guided the research study:
      1.  What are the constraints hindering hospitality development in Enugu state?
      2.  What are the imperative of hospitality industry development to economic growth of Enugu state?
      3.  What are the factors that can enhance growth and development of hospitality industry in Enugu state?
      4.  To what can the problems affecting development of hospitality industry in Enugu state be salvaged?

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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