• The Impact Of Strategic Human Resource Management On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      1.0    INTRODUCTION
      Strategic Human resources management (SHRM) is concerned with contributions human resource strategies make to organizational effectiveness and the ways in which these contributions are achieved. (Jeff Erickson, Lee Dyer 2004) Therefore the aim of strategic Human resources Management is to ensure that the culture, style and structure of the organization and the quality, commitments and motivation of it employees contribute fully to the achievement of business objectives. According to Michael Armstrong, 1992, a strategic Orientation is a vital ingredient in human resource management. It provides the framework within which a coherent approach can be developed to the creation and Installation of Human resources management policies, systems, and practice. Strategic human resource means accepting the HR function as a strategic partner in the formulation of the company’s strategies as well as in the implementation of those strategies through HR activities, such as recruitments, selection, training and rewarding personnel. Where as strategic HR recognizes HR’s partnership role in the strategizing process, the term  HR  strategies refers to specific HR courses of action the company plans to pursue to achieve its aims (Siddhartha Chaturvedi , 2002)
      Managing the human resources in the organization is the traditional responsibility of the personnel manager, a precursor to human resource management (HRM). Some scholars however equate HRM with personnel management, concerned with providing staff support in the organization (e.g. Guest, 1989). Other scholars consider HRM as a natural development of personnel management  practices in the face of changing economic and business environment (Armstrong , 1989 & 2004, and Fajana 2002).The people –management discipline is undergoing continuous metamorphosis, with the recent emergence of strategic human resource management (SHRM)      in organization and management Literature.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The subject matter of this study is the impact of strategic Human Resource Management in Organization. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of human resource management in organization, to determine the relationship between strategic human resource practice and firm performance and to examine the relationship between strategic human resource practices and firm performance and to examine the relationship among these strategic human resource management practice and demograph ... Continue reading---