• The Prospect Of Human Resource Management In Enhancing Higher Productivity In An Construction Company

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      In most our organization today, productivity of workers is far below expectation, business many organization incur a lot of lost as a form of wastage caused by management of the organization. In which workers are unable to perform their various job effectively to enhance productivity. Another problem face by industry is lack of due training and development programmes, in job dissatisfaction most employees don’t find it easy in doing the job assign to them in the because the don’t have the necessary skills and talent needed to make them handle construction job effectively. Another diver stating problem is increase rate of labor turn over in the industry as result of the workers inability to satisfying and accomplishing the construction task assign to them on time. Another problem is the construction industry lack of adequate and competent human resource department who can bring adequate productivity to the industry.
      The above mentioned problems have nothing to offer the industry and rather than decrease in service deliver which in turn effects the overall enhancement of the productivity. The only or one of the major solutions to these problems is for the industry to embark on adequate training and development programmes, and to initiate adequate and proper human resources management departments which will help in selecting the adequate workers that will embark the industry to enhance higher productivity and also good construction work.
      To find out the prospects of human resource management in enhancing higher productivity.
      To determine how productivity can be enhanced through an efficient human resource management.
      To examine the extent to which human resource management have impacted on employees’ performance.
      To ascertain whether effective human resources management have had any impact on the company’s goals and objectives.
      To ascertain whether team work and cooperation serve as a means of effective human resources management.
      What is the prospect of human resource management in enhancing higher productivity?
      Has productivity been enhanced through an efficient human resources management?
      To what extent has human resources management impacted on employees’ performance?
      Have effective human resources management had any impact on the company’s goals and objective?
      Does team work and cooperation serve as mean of effective human resources management.
      Considering the significance of the study you will observe that all organization whether governmental or non governmental, profit or non profit cannot over look the relevance of effective and efficient utilization of human resource.
      The study is of immense benefits to managers, employment of personal and human resource of officers of Sintax construction industries policies, it examines personnel policies, on recruitment, on selection, placement, training and development.
      Equally I highlighted the need for good human resource management in Sintax Construction Company which aimed at total customer satisfaction at higher productivity.
      The study is also relevant to academicians, industry and to society at large, since it attempts to ascertain in areas of human resource management in Nigeria.
      The focus of the study is the prospects of human resource management in an industry or organization and how it enhance higher productivity in Sintax Construction industry. In a study in this nature it could have been better much elaborated to cover almost all the Sintax branches across the country.
      The researcher decided to limit the research work to Kaduna head office as a result of financial constraints, other problems include issue of adequate information because most of their information were not stored in the computer, they are only filed manual and which can easily got damaged or lost incase of any inconsistencies.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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