• Effect Of Labour Turnover On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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    • 1.4. Significance of the Study
      The study would be of significance to the Kaduna State Water Board in identifying the problems and causes of labour turnover. This study is expected to provide solution the research work is of benefit to the body of knowledge students and other researchers. Other organizations that have similar problems can also benefit from the research work.
      1.5. Research Questions
      What are the effects of labour turnover on the performance of Kaduna State Water Board?
      What are the problems of labour turnover and how can it be minimized in Kaduna State Water Board?
      What are the major causes of labour turnover in Kaduna State Water Board?
      1.6. Scope of the Study
      The extent of this research covers all concept, the causes, problems, effects and the measures to be taken to tackle the problem of labour turnover that deserves to be minimized. This study will be restricted to the effects of labour turnover on organizational performance in Nigeria.
      Limitation of the Study
      This research is not lastly due to some proposition for any organization. He classified cost of turnover into direct and indirect cost.
      Direct Cost
      This is the cost that associated with the costs of replacing the employees and training the newly hired such as costs of communicating the vacant position cost of administering the recruitment function, cost of screening the applicant interviewing the candidates, administering selection tools tests, meeting hr candidate, concluding background investigation, cost of preparing new employee training materials, conducting training session, giving on the job training and the costs of separating former employee from the firm such as administering paper work/meeting, conducting exit interview paying several pay/packaged, vacation time etc.
      Indirect Cost
      Turnover also brings with indirect cost especially when the employees who are leaving were liked by the organizations client, customer loyally may be affected. Again, as the new employees learn their jobs, the quality of the product and service may suffer.
      Michael Armstrong, human resources practice page 381 enumerated the following as cost of labour turnover, leaving cost, direct cost of replacement opportunity cost of time spent, direct cost of introducing replacement, loss of input.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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