• Impact Of Career Management On Organizational Performance

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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              The significance of the study consists of the following:
      1.     It shall provide relevant information and knowledge on career management on organizational performance to human resources practitioners, manager and consultants.
      2.     It shall provide the necessary tools for modern human resource management required for career management.
      3.     It shall provide a bridge to the gap experience in the past when human resource management and in particular, career management are given trivial attention in organizational management.
      4.     It shall provide direction to career management towards attaining organizational performance objectives.
      Ho    Career management is not given significant attention in Guinness Nigeria Plc
      H1    Career management is given significant attention in Guinness Nigeria    Plc
      Ho    There is no organizational performance standard in Guinness Nigeria Plc
      H1   There is organizational performance standard in Guinness Nigeria Plc
      Ho       There is no significant impact of career management on organizational performance in Guinness Nigeria Plc
      H1       There is significant impact of career management on organizational performance in Guinness Nigeria Plc  
              The justification of the study center on the following:
      1.     Modern Human Resource Planning and Administration centers on organization corporate strategy.
      2.     The corporate strategy typifies the organizational performance objectives which are stated in the organization acceptable standards of profit, growth and market value.
      3.     Career management is an integrated aspect of the human resource system.
      4.     The various elements of career management are to give direction to the organizations corporate strategy.
      1.9   SCOPE OF THE STUDY
              The scope of the study shall;
      1.     Provide an in-depth study in career management as part of the human resource system.
      2.     The study shall provide an analysis of organizational performance standards and measures.
      3.    The study shall endeavour to highlight the significance of the relationship between career management and organizational performance
      4.     It shall provide a case study showing the impact of career management in organization performance in Guinness Nigeria Plc.
      1.     CAREER MANAGEMENT: Career management can be defined as the process that plans and shapes the progression of individual within an organization in accordance with the organizational need and objectives.
      2.     EMPLOYEES DEVELOPMENT:  Employees development is a joint, on-going effort on the part of an employee and the organization for which he or she works to upgrade the employees’ knowledge, skills and objectives.
      3.     CAREER PLANNING: Career planning is a process undertaken by employees and their supervisors. The employee is responsible for self-assessment identifying career interest and development needs.
      4.     CAREER PATHING: Career path identify route to attain goals. Based on the career expectation identified in the process of career planning, possible career paths are mapped out for employees. Career paths set out a sequence of posts to which employees can be promoted, transferred and rotated. 
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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