• Manpower Planning And Development As A Tool For Higher Productivity

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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                In this chapter, it is going to cover the followings: the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitations of the study  and reference.
      1.1                BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
                In an organizational set up, the personnel manager is expected to help formulate manpower policies. to emphasis on division of labour presently, the duty of the personnel and remunerate employees.
                Management in an organization is affected mostly due to misplacement of workers. Constantly, due to misplacement of workers. Constantly, experts ask whether to get the individual to fit into a job position or to design the job to suit the individual.
                From observation, the management is to determine its manpower needs, the process by which management attempts to provide for its human resources to accomplish its task is term manpower planning or employment needs planning for their manpower needs.
                Manpower planning is necessary in all organization because it is required for recruitment, without it, it  would be difficult to know the number of personnel required for recruitment, to be reassigned, due to retirement or need to be retired for better utilization. Manpower planning reduces excessive recruitment training and transfer and thereby saves management cost and  time.
      ‘Bruce’ observed that the major changes in population technological innovation, size and complexity of organizations have made informal methods of employment planning obsolete for all, but they very small and stand organization. In Nigeria where there is security of qualified manpower to fill existing positions the situation is more crucial.
      Manpower planning aid an organization to start very early to seek for the positively of the future. It also helps in utilization of personnel available efficiently and effectively. Through this way, people in the organization that needs more training could be identified to upgrade their skill in other to assume more responsible positions.
       1.2            STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
      The role of manpower planning development in an industry cannot be over emphasized.
      Manpower as we know refer to all human resources in an organization, efficient utilization of this human resources in an organization leads to achieving the organizational objectives. A well planned manpower recruitment and training is needed to be actualizing in order to meet its aim, but the problem has always been who is to be recruited in order to meet the demand of the organization. The recruitment jobs in face with certain problem which could be either internal or both.
      The internal influences include the nature of the organization. This could be in terms of management, applicants would not like to secure jobs in an organization where there is poor management. An organization with poor financial stand is likely to lack qualitative management. The quality of management is the primary factor in determining the degree of success of an organization.
      The nature of the work done is another problem. In most cases, applicants concern on their abilities interest, post work experiences and friend’s interest attest how they go about seeking for jobs.
      Problem such as these factors to be considered when selecting manpower in the organization includes after the training, some of the employees still find it difficult to know what their duties and responsibilities are as staff.
      Also, some of the resulted staff are men of qualification rather than men of qualities, therefore, the statement of the problem of this work is to find out how manpower planning and development can effect productivity so as to find factors militating against its objectives, prospects, related problems and how it can be improved.        

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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