• Manpower Planning And Development As A Tool For Higher Productivity

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • 1.3            OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
       This project work is specifically aimed at discovering the implications of a well laid down manpower planning and training or development in an organization precisely scale industries. The study points out.
      (a)  The consequences of unplanned manpower recruitment process on the overall productivity of the organization.
      (b)  The constraints that could make an organization unable to develop plans for it manpower planning , training and development.
      (c)    The positive productivity level of an organization if there is a well manpower planning, training and development.
       1.4            SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
      Many scalars of management are of the view that manpower planning constitutes a basic resource of management. It assist to activate the art of human management through creative innovative and imaginative techniques aimed at improving productivity as an important management resources, it recognizes the role of trade unions and pares way for meeting of workers rights problems are solved managerially through manpower planning. Manpower planning is all embracing. It seeks to juxtapose the right people with befitting colleagues while ensuing that proper knowledge skills, experience training and development  are matched up with the might placement at the period and cost rare all indicators of manpower, futuristic approach to management presupposed that there must be planning management is highly conscious of relevance of manpower planning especially in recent time when the needed for effective person el is highly relevant due to changes arising  from technology and other environmental factors.
      Modern organization  is on longer rely on normal manpower planning even where organization are small and informal there is need to adopt a comprehensive manpower planning as issue like improvement in techniques good service, consumption techniques and organization  structure which requires efficient resources management are tackled
       1.5            SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF STUDY
      This study is carried out to outline the role of manpower planning and development as a tool to higher productivity in an industry concentration on small-scale industries. Covering the importance of personnel recruitment, sources of applicants, qualities of good itself conditions for training ,objective of training, methods and techniques of training, importance of qualified manpower and self-development some difficulties were uncounted when conducting the research, the constants include,

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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