• Manpower Planning And Development As A Tool For Higher Productivity

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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      the time limit allocated for the collection data and completion of the whole research work for the project made it impossible to gather information that will make room for a comprehensive study of the subject matter.
      The student researcher encountered financial difficulties in carrying out this research due to the high cost in transportation cost of station and other materials used.
      The researcher observed that the geographic area in which source of supply and demand operates determines the price or growing rate of a certain type of labour.
      Also, during the personnel interview
       the researcher experienced a lot of communication problem with the individual and some company staff interviewed. Some are aware and acquainted with the task, but found it difficult to communicate effectively. This made the researcher’s work a bit tedious and cumbersome.
      Also despite the simple nature of the questionnaire the few responses that were received were poorly made.
      The researcher observed that this describes jobs undertaken by workers who do predominantly on physical work, ranging from unskilled to semi-skilled jobs.
      DEJON,W.I (1979)   The principle of management text and case. The  Benjamin Cummings publishing companies UNRCO p.16 .
      HEYEL,C. (1973)    The encyclopedia of management. New York,  UNRCO  Press publication. P.233.
      ONOCHA, B.CHIMA (1991)  foundation of business and management in Nigeria. Asaba unique press publication    LTD.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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