• The Role Of Human Resource Management In Hospitality Industry Performance In Nigeria

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • This research is based on the role of human resource management in the hospitality industry with focus on its performance in south eastern Nigeria. The major problem that prompted this research is streamlined into ineffective and inefficient human resource management in the hospitality industry. The objective of the study was to identify the best way of using human resource management in the hospitality industry to ensure effective and efficient performance. The research adopted indebt survey method for data collection. Chi-square was used for data analysis. In the cause of the work, the researcher identified that the lapses in the hospitality can be said to have been caused by many factors amongst which are lack of industrial relation, motivational incentives, poor remuneration etc. Conclusively, the researcher based on the findings of the study made recommendations which include establishment of functional human resources management department. Furthermore there is need to employ skillful manager that knows the nitty-gritty of personnel policy should be formulated which will incorporate job security for workers opportunity for growth and development of every work to help to achieve self actualization.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 3 ]The role of personnel management has significantly changed in modern times. At first the dominant role was to satisfy top management in procuring and maintaining a workforce that would be instrumental in organizational productivity. As acknowledge by Flippo, 1985 in Onwuchekwa (1999:7) the manager understands the necessity forascertaining and accommodating the needs of human beings who constitute the workforce. He or she constantly searches for the programme which would support the ... Continue reading---