• The Role Of Human Resource Management In Hospitality Industry Performance In Nigeria

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • The role of personnel management has significantly changed in modern times. At first the dominant role was to satisfy top management in procuring and maintaining a workforce that would be instrumental in organizational productivity. As acknowledge by Flippo, 1985 in Onwuchekwa (1999:7) the manager understands the necessity for
      ascertaining and accommodating the needs of human beings who constitute the workforce. He or she constantly searches for the programme which would support the accomplishments of both organizational and individual objectives.
      Nwachukwu (1990:175), observed that human resource of an organization is its most important asset. The success or failure of the enterprise depends on the people who must work there. Failure by an entrepreneur to recognize this, may lead to many unsavory results.
      The entrepreneur must recognize that the selection of employees is one of his most important tasks. The hospitality sector of the Nigerian economy is very wide within the tourism industry. As asserted by Okoli (2001:1`2) on the component of tourism drawing from the experience of Thomas and Thomas (1992:14), identified the most important tourism product as transport, stay and attraction. Included in the modes of transport are land, water and air while attraction component of tourism involves climate, nature, shopping facilities and leisure. Examples of tourism attraction facilities in Nigeria and elsewhere are the National War Museum, Umuahia (Abia State), Ogbunike Cave (Anambra State), Yankari National Park (Bauchi), Oguta Lake Hotel and Zoological Garden Nekede (Imo State) and Argungo Fishing Festival (Kebbi State), among others.
      On stay as a component, hospitality business takes care of it as the lodging of a tourist in hostels, motels, guest house etc, the food and beverages served, how they are served, when and the manner constitute tourism attractions. These functions are done by human resources.
      Inyanga and Ifegbo (2006:98) supported the view of Okoli that hospitality sector is part of the tourism industry and stresses on the essence of hospitality and tourism. Rest has its own place in life. God created the day for work and night for rest and created official and unofficial hours and also provided for rest. But does man really rest? How many of us actually take time out to rest and visit places of our interest when we tend to work during leave periods? Rest is what repairs the body mentally, physically and otherwise. A person gets enough rest is bound to be more productive (Agibe, 2006:5). This is where tourism comes in as a brain box towards the growth of every man on earth. From the words of Bassey (2006:22), tourism markets have the potential to enhance lives in a sustainable framework through providing wealth creation, choice, innovation and competition. The travel and tourism industry contains these four elements that enables it become a dynamic market force for sustainability in the future. It has the capacity to increase exports, bring in capital investment, boost economics (GDP) and create employment.
      Following these opportunities of the sectors, the federal, state and local government and some private business entrepreneurs invested much resource in tourism in Nigeria. The extent to which the benefits realized as equated to the investments made is still another subject
      matter. What is important is that for tourism business to be highly developed and promoted in Nigeria, the sector operators have to be well equipped with component human resources.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This research is based on the role of human resource management in the hospitality industry with focus on its performance in south eastern Nigeria. The major problem that prompted this research is streamlined into ineffective and inefficient human resource management in the hospitality industry. The objective of the study was to identify the best way of using human resource management in the hospitality industry to ensure effective and efficient performance. The research adopted indebt survey me ... Continue reading---