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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]This project works was examined from all its ramification, what could be the possible effect of salary increase and fringe benefits among Nigerian workers. It is believed that when salaries and fringe benefits are increased, the aim is to alleviate the sufferings of workers in regards to increasing their purchasing power and meeting the high cost of living.  But, the consequence which will come quickly to mind is that many job will be lost and very little created. Employers will pay higher wages, but will do so at the cost of retraction in their labour force.  Those who have been desperate f ... Continue Reading


      CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTION1.1       BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYIn any establishment either private or public, the impact of salary increase and fringe benefits cannot be over-emphasized.  To Nigeria Railway Corporation Enugu, satisfaction of the public and standard of living have been their major concern.The main objective has been the development and utilization of local raw material (coal) and mobilization of fund for the purpose of satisfaction of the Nigerians.In the bid to actualize this, the corporation finds it difficult and almost impossible to pay its workers the exact salary and pens ... Continue Reading