• Impact Of Management By Objective On Organizational Performance

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      Historical management perspective has been on achieving organizational performance objectives reflected on profit, growth and market value. In spite of developments in various sector of the economy as technology advancement, industrial revolution, advance in production and commercial activities, the complex nature of Trade Union and industrial relation, the fact remains that organization are constantly seeking new ways and ideology to ensure that resources are maximally utilized and that set goals and objectives are achieved.
      MBO was first published by Peter Drucker in 1954 in the practice of management. One of the core ideas in MBO was where managers should focus their time and energy. According to Drucker effective MBO managers focus on result not the activity. They delegate tasks by negotiating a contract of objectives with their subordinates and by refraining from dictating a detailed road map for implementation. MBO is about setting roles and their breaking these down into more specific objectives or key result MBO involves (1) Setting company – mid goals derived from corporate strategy (2) Determining team and department level goals (3) Collaboratively setting individual – level goals that are aligned with corporate strategy (4) Developing an action plan and (5) Periodically reviewing performance and revising goals. Greenwood R. G. (1981), Management by objectives Pg. 225 – 230.
      The broader principle behind MBO is to make sure that everybody within the organization has a clear understanding of the organization’s goal as well as awareness of their own roles and responsibilities in achieving objectives that will help to attain those goals. The complete MBO system aims to get managers and empower employees acting to implement and  achieve that plans which automatically achieves the organizations goal.
      In-view of the result oriented nature of MBO as a management philosophy. It spurs the researcher to conduct a study of this nature to determine the impact of management by objective on organizational performance using UBA as a case study.   
      There has been an increasing challenge in many organization to achieve corporate organization objective due to mobility to maximally utilize its human resources. Many firms have focused on central management with total neglect and lack of integration of low level employees in the corporate plans and objectives. The resultants effect as been that of lack of understanding, interpretation and implementation of such plans and objective loading to poor organizational performance.
                The research therefore is confronted with the problem of determining the impact of management by objective (MBO) in organizational performance with a case study on UBA Plc.
      The research Questions include;
      1.       What is the nature of management by objective and what is the nature of MBO in UBA
      2.       What constitute organizational performance and organizational performance in UBA Plc
      3.       What is the impact of management by objective on organizational performance and what is the impact of MBO in organizational performance in UBA Plc.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 3]

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    • ABSRACT - [ Total Page(s): 1 ]The research progress a detail analysis of the concept of management by objective and portrays its impacts an organization performance. It elucidates the structure of management by objective through the systematic and organized approach that allows management to focus on achievable goals and attain best possible results from available resources. It provides detail analysis of organization performance measures as the overall central focus of management by objective. In-view of analyzing a practic ... Continue reading---