• Moral Of Employees In A Profit Driven Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      1.1      Background of the study
      The There is no doubt that human resources are the most important in all organizations. But to gain maximally from their services, it is necessary to   pay much attention to the relationship that should exist between the human being and the content of the jobs.
       It is common feature that employees in organization from time to time develop some kind of attitude about their job, pay supervisor, promotions, co-workers etc though the average  worker does not enjoy the privilege of having his salary up graded frequently, he finds himself daily designed by fresh financial responsibilities which he  does not envisaged and can hardly accommodate.
      This has negative effects on his morale and psychological balance leading to distributions characterized by lower productivity which will in turn affect long-term corporate goals.
      It is known that the primary reason for the existence of any business organization is profit maximization as this is what ensures the continued growth and survival of that organization. Also, there is no gain saying that of the factors of production, labour is by for the most volatile.  The volatility of  labour is not unrelated to the fact that human  being are rational, responding to a range of environment stimuli. Therefore, the most common problem faced by managers has been  how best to stimulate and motivate other employee for higher productivity.
      In the competitive world of business the efficient utilization of human resources for  profit maximization can only be attained through adequate and effective use of motivational technologies and  strategies.
       To achieve it’s pre-determined goal of profit maximization, therefore, an organization must be able to develop an organizational structure where managers supervisor can through  understand what motivate a worker to behave positive  and the mechanics of causing a change from negative be behavior to positive. This is all about employees morale in a profit driven organization.
      Employees morale consist of cognition, (knowledge, belief, expectation) emotion (likes and dislikes, feeling, sentiments) and also behvourial tendencies. Warsh  2002 defined morale as having employee feel good about working for the company and respecting it the employee with good morale likes his  work and is wiling to cooperated in moving from job to job explained Warsh.
      Employee (staff morale is more of various attitudes posses by employees partly related  to specific factors like wages, supervision, conditions of works, recognition of ability  fair evaluation of work, steadiness of employment, prompt settlement of grievances, advancement opportunities, social relationship on the job, fair treatment by employers, other factors include labour/social activities temperament, level of aspiration, employee age, desire health, social status and industries are mush concerned with the level employee morale because these attitude have been shown to be strongly   related to objective measures like performance since “A happy worker is a productive worker.
      Therefore, this research is going to look into morale of employee in a profit oriented organization.                                                          

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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