• Moral Of Employees In A Profit Driven Organization

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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      However large or small company or business is it is employee at all levels that can make or break it. This holds true not only for the employee organization hire on a regular basis but also for temporary and casual workers. It is  as important to research and study the needs, drives and expectations of people, the organization hire or employ and aim at responding to an satisfying them, as it is with regard to customers.
      In actual fact considering the role each employee play in s company’s success, analyzing and planning and adequate response to employees motivation deserves first place in the order of business.
      Before going any further, let us shift our approach from grouping people the generic  category of employee to individual human beings and term them as hired workers. This is what they are we must acknowledge them as human beings with individual needs, driven, characteristic/personalities and acknowledge their contribution to the business success.
      Though each person has specific needs, desire, characteristic personalities, aspirations, and capabilities, at  varying degrees of intensity people’s basic needs are the  same as illustrated by Abraham Maslow (Hierarchy of needs). Experience has shown that man always behaves in a way that will lead him to attain some goal. It is not always that the specific goal may be consciously known. This is why  man ponder over their past  behaviour and wonder why they ever took such actions. The urge or  drives that induce or motivate individual behavioural pattern are mostly sub-conscious.
      Having known the relationship that   exist between individual morale of employees and (productivity) profit, then what is important to a manager is how  he/she can understand predict and /or cause a change in the activities of his subordinates. Certainly, this cannot be done  unless the manager knows which motivate or needs that can induce his subordinates to take certain actions at any given time.
      Therefore, the focus of this research will be on the analysis of morale in profit oriented organization.
      This study will enable management to know how best to deal with the human element at any point in time and under changing circumstances.
      This research have the following objective.
      1.       To know whether good working relationship between the subordinate and their superior lead to  high employee morale.
      2.       This study intends to know if greater satisfaction will  be derived by worker, if their management  gives them a free hand to participate in their  organization decision making than when they are allowed to participate in decision.
      3.       Whether workers would have greater morale when given recognition to heir contribution(s).
      4.       To know the effect of employee high and or low  morale on the profit level of the organization.
      5.       Recommendations will also be given on how to increase or boost the  morale of employees in a profit orientated organization.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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