• Moral Of Employees In A Profit Driven Organization

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      The study if examined will be of immense benefit to management of organization, employees, students and the general society. To management the study will give them an indication of the general level of their employees morale in the company. It will equally indicate specific areas that can create high or low employee’s morale it will also help the management of organization by guiding them in formulating good policies for it’s personnel towards morale.
      To employees,  it is going to be a way of improving their attitude through emotional release, since they are given a chance of getting things of their chests (repressed feelings) educationally it will also serve as a continuity of study in line with the principles of science. Serving as a work of reference for other scholars who would embark on the subject matte r in future time.
      Other groups that will also benefits from this study include:
      i.        International organization
      ii.       General society
      iii.      Consultants etc.
       1.5     SCOPE OF THE STUDY
      In this project work, the researcher decided to concentrate on corporate institution being union bank of Nigeria Plc Abakaliki branch. This study is therefore restricted to all the staff of the branch.
      The bank have been chosen because of it’s long acquaintance with the banking industry in Nigeria. They fall within first three largest bank in Nigeria (source: financial standard vol. 28, January 27 2004).
      In the process of carrying this research the following question will be looked into.
      1.       Does good working relationship between the employees (subordinate) and superior leads to high morale?
      2.       To what extent do workers participate in decision-making?
      3        Are the employees contributions considered and valued?
      4.       What is the effect of employees morale (whether high or low) on the organizational profit level?
      In the process of carrying any research certain constraints are normally encountered this work is not an exception.
      The process of obtaining information from the bank was difficult, as the bank sensitive persons are always busy and a lot of bureaucracy was involved in releasing information. The bank only gives me access to information they felt will not affect or harm them. Financial constraint was also encountered as certain experiment that required big money was not performed.
      Time- the research work was performed on a vary limited time but all these constraints are not enough to invalidate this work.
  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 4]

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