• The Efffct Of Customer And Employee Relationship On The Management Of Hospitality Industry

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • The researcher examined the of customer and employee relationship on the management of Hospitality industry both privately owned and publicly owned establishment in Asaba Delta State. The objective is to determine whether cordial  relationship exist between customer and employees in Hospitality establishment, to this end, the researcher is interested in determining if there is significant relationship between customer and employer in the Hospitality industry. The method used in the study is a case study of both public and private hotels in Asaba Delta state. Data for the study were obtained through questionnaire administered on 90 randomly selected samples of employees and customers of the selected hotels being studied. Data obtained were analysed using sample percentage statistical method while the hypotheses were tested using x2 method. Results reveals that good customer – employee relationship enhances effective management of Hospitality industry. Secondly, customer and employees relationship is seriously impacted by inadequate employee training and lack of motivation. The study, therefore recommends that “on – the job” training of staff should be organized and also staff of hotels should be better paid and should be given reasonable incentives. The activities and styles of both publicly and privately owned hotels are different. How employees handle and treats their customers was examined and identified. The reasons of employee behaviors towards customers was discovered and observed in several ways,(1) Lack of employee training on the job of hospitality (ii) Lack of motivation and incentives. From the study, it was argued that private Hotels are more effective than public hotels because of godfatherism in the system in the public Hotel. The study also went further to show how customers are poorly served and attended to in most hotels. The study also revealed that if employee are properly trained and motivated in the hospitality establishment, the employee will be more effective to customer’s services. Then customers will repeat patronage to enhance the growth of hospitality industry globally.

  • ABSRACT -- [Total Page(s) 1]

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    • CHAPTER ONE - [ Total Page(s): 2 ]Dictionary defines Employees as an individuals who provides labour to an establishment or other person.Many employee may have the opportunity of direct contact with customers in the two different establishment both private and public hotels. For some it will be a regular aspect of their job, for other Hotels whether private or public. Technical skills and technique are very important but equally for perhaps more important are sincere caring attitudes and manner with the food served i ... Continue reading---