• The Relevance Of Human Resource In Today's Business Environment

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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      Central to the growth of any organization be it private or public, manufacturing or non-manufacturing firms, it is the effective acquisition, utilization and maintenance of the organization’s human resources. Human resources management therefore is a very critical path to the survival of any organization.
      Human resources management (HRM) is the strategic management of the employees who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the strategic objectives of the organization.
      It is that part of the process of management that is concerned with the management of human relationship and ensuring the physical well being of the employees so that in turn, the employees will be more dedicated to their work which will in turn increased productivity, hence leading to increased corporate performance. Aiming to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals by attracting, retaining and developing employees, human resource management functions as the link between the organization and the employees. Consequently, the need to develop and implement human resource management and programs that are workable, motivating and result oriented has become more imperative in order to arrest worker’s apathy, declining motivation and poor work attitude that are presently the order of the day in most of our business organizations.
      No matter how efficient and sophisticated your tools, equipments and machines are and no matter how vast your financial resources maybe, somebody who is the human element will have to put them to use. It is a well known fact that an adequate supply of physical and financial resources does not alone ensure the economic development of any organization.
      Rather it is the entrepreneurial spirit and executive initiative which can utilize these resources profitably for the organization. This is true because human beings are the center and yardstick of everything.
      In this work, the researcher will explain the various techniques of developing and sustaining human resources in an organization.

  • CHAPTER ONE -- [Total Page(s) 2]

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